Lemuel Abbott

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Lemuel Abbott (born around 1730; died April 1776 ) was an English cleric and poet.

Little is known about his life; In 1756 he became curate at Anstey in Leicestershire , in 1773 Vicar of Thornton . Presumably he was the father of the painter Lemuel Francis Abbott (* around 1760, † 1802 ). In 1765 he published a narrow volume of poetry with spiritual subjects, mostly hymn paraphrases of biblical texts; The volume is preceded by an essay on English metrics .


Secondary literature
  • Thompson Cooper:  Abbott, Lemuel (d.1776) . In: Leslie Stephen (Ed.): Dictionary of National Biography . Volume 1:  Abbadie - Anne. , MacMillan & Co, Smith, Elder & Co., New York City / London 1885, p. 30 (English).
  • Hoxie N. Fairchild: Religious Trends in English Poetry . Columbia University Press, New York 1942.