Leray spectral sequence

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In mathematics , the Leray spectral sequence is an aid for calculating the sheaf cohomology .


Let be a continuous mapping between topological spaces . Look at the functor that assigns each sheaf above its direct image above . Be its derived functors . Then there is a spectral sequence with




Access via double complexes for sheaves of differential forms

Let be a continuous map between smooth manifolds . For an overlap of, define a double complex as a Čech complex for the sheaf of differential forms .

If a good coverage , then the cohomology of this double complex is the de Rham cohomology . A spectral sequence is included with the double complex .

Application to fiber bundles

For a fiber bundle with fiber , one obtains a spectral sequence converging against .

The gysin sequence can be derived from this for bundles of spheres .

The generalization of the Leray spectral sequence to Serre fibers is called the Leray-Serre spectral sequence .

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