Les Jeunes Républicains

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Basic data
Establishment date: 2003
Place of foundation: Paris
Chairman: Aurane Reihanian
Number of members: 27,000
Structure: Regional associations
Address: 55, rue La Boétie
F-75008 Paris

Les Jeunes Républicains (dt. The Young Republicans ) is the youth organization of the French party Les Républicains . Until 2015 the organization was called Jeunes Populaires .


The Jeunes Populaires were founded in 2003 by Alain Juppé , the founding president of the UMP, and Marie Guévenoux as a youth organization of the newly founded Union pour un mouvement populaire (UMP). They replaced the youth organization of the previous RPR party , Les Jeunes du RPR . After Alain Juppé renounced the chair in the summer of this year, Marie Guévenoux was sworn in as chairman. Shortly afterwards, Guévenoux created new rules of procedure. This amendment of the statutes allowed the members to become full members of the YEPP (youth organization of the EPP ). Before this “little revolution” these two organizations were only friendly towards each other. The other members of the YEPP doubted the democratic constitution of the Jeunes Populaires , who were under close control of the UMP. In 2005, Marie Guévenoux resigned as chairwoman. She was offered positions on a ministerial staff.

The now leaderless JPoP needed a new chairman. For this office, Fabien de Sans Nicolas applied, who was led by leading French politicians of the UMP, such as B. Nicolas Sarkozy or Brice Hortefeux was supported. This was ultimately elected unanimously.

In August 2006 the now 29-year-old de Sans Nicolas was re-elected for two years with 89% of the vote. A new re-election was ruled out because in 2008 he exceeded the age limit of 29 Jeunes Populaires. His successor for four years was Benjamin Lancar , who was initially elected in 2008 with 75 percent and re-elected in 2010 with 78 percent against numerous opposing candidates. In particular, his re-election in 2010 was controversial and overshadowed by allegations of manipulation against Lancar and his supporters.

The new leadership election, which was actually due in July 2012, was initially postponed to after the new leadership of the UMP was elected in November 2012. After the result had sparked heated controversy and the leadership of the UMP was to be re-elected in 2013, the election was postponed indefinitely in order to allow a continuation of the dispute between the supporters of Jean-François Copé and François Fillon in the course of the internal election campaign avoid. Benjamin Lancar resigned from the presidency on December 31, 2013 after being admitted to the ENA . The association then set up a collective leadership of 22 people, 11 each from the Copé and Fillon camps.

At the end of 2014, after Nicolas Sarkozy was elected party president of the UMP, Stéphane Tiki was appointed president of the Jeunes Populaires . In February 2015, Tiki suspended the presidency after it became known that as a citizen of Cameroon he did not have a residence permit for France. Mathieu Darnaud , the UMP secretary responsible for youth work, took over the management of the association, but formally Tiki remained in office. According to media reports, Sarkozy wanted to enable Tikis to return to the leadership of the Jeunes populaires as soon as his residence status was clarified.

In the course of the renaming of the UMP to Les Républicains , the name of the Jeunes Populaires also changed to Les Jeunes Républicains . A new presidency election was scheduled for September 2015, with Marine Brenier being the only candidate. She was elected in a primary election with almost 70 percent of the vote, but with a turnout of just under 23 percent.



Members of the Jeunes Républicains are all members of the LR up to the age of 29. The association elects a new chairman every two years. JPoP currently has 27,000 members, which corresponds to 8% of the members of the UMP.

The core of the organization is based on decentralized management. The regional elected representatives are elected by the resident members. The association does not officially prescribe any compulsory allegiance to its parent party. Nevertheless, this is "desirable".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Samuel Laurent: Les jeunes de l'UMP votent dans un climat délétère. Le Monde.fr , 21 August 2010, accessed 22 September 2015 (French).
  2. ^ Anne-Laëtitia Béraud: L'élection des Jeunes populaires UMP reportée sine die. 20 minutes , January 24, 2013, accessed September 22, 2015 (French).
  3. a b UMP: Et le nouveau président des Jeunes Populaires est ... 20 minutes , December 17, 2014, accessed on September 22, 2015 (French).
  4. Sans titre de séjour, Stéphane Tiki "se met en congé" de la présidence des jeunes UMP. Le Monde.fr , February 10, 2015, accessed on September 22, 2015 (French).
  5. Le sénateur Mathieu Darnaud suit l'intérim de la direction des Jeunes UMP. Le Monde.fr , February 13, 2015, accessed on September 22, 2015 (French).
  6. Tristan Quinault Maupoil: Marine Brenier, élue présidente des Jeunes Républicains dans la douleur. Le Figaro.fr , 10 September 2015, accessed on 22 September 2015 (French).