
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Le'ul (also Leul , äthiop. ልዑል ) was a title at the court of the Negus Negest ( Emperor ) of Ethiopia and means His Highness . The title was only bestowed on the emperor's biological sons and the grandchildren of the male bloodline . The bloodline of the Ethiopian emperor originally descended from the Israelite king Solomon . The title Leul was only given to people of Israelite origin. The title of a Le'ul was placed in front of every higher military and administrative rank, provided that it was descended from the male bloodline (e.g. Le'ul Ras).
The emperor's daughters as well as the granddaughters of the female bloodline were given the title Le'elt (also Leelt , ልዕልት ), which basically means Her Highness . The wife of a Le'ul could also be given the title of Le'elt, although she did not descend from the emperor. The prerequisite for the award of the title was therefore, in the case of male persons at least, a blood relationship with the emperor in the male line. No other person was able to obtain this title.
