Levi (Amorae)

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R. Levi was a so-called third generation Amora in Palestine and lived in the third and fourth centuries AD.

He was a friend of Abba bar Kahana and Zekharja's father-in-law.

In addition to Isaac b. Nappacha he was the most important haggadist from the school of Jochanan , in which he was employed as a paid preacher for 22 years in order to gather the congregation for the lectures of the master and to entertain it with his own lectures until his arrival. He provided this office with devotion and great success, and was also accepted and viewed as a qualified scholar of the scriptures who were otherwise rather averse to the Haggadah (e.g. BR Se'era).

He had many disciples who narrated his Haggadot, his main trader is Yehoshua of Sikhnin.

Literature (selection)