Lexicon of illustration in German-speaking countries since 1945

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The lexicon of illustration in German-speaking countries since 1945 (LdI) is the first relevant lexicon for illustration in the German language. It is a as a loose-leaf -scale reference book that contains information about currently about 80 artists gathered substantial in recent decades have made contributions to the illustration on the German book and magazine market.


The Illustration Foundation established the lexicon in 2005 and has been published by edition text + kritik ever since . The loose-leaf work comprises around 1100 pages in two folders.

Structure and focus

The sorting is done according to the alphabetical order of the illustrators. The articles are divided into a biogram, an overview of the work and a picture section. The biograms give an overview of the artists' lives and awards. In detailed essays, the work of the respective illustrators from the period after 1945 is presented and analyzed. However, earlier works are also taken into account if they are of particular art historical importance and have had a significant influence on contemporary illustration. Furthermore, the activities of the artists in related areas such as the cartoon , the comic , the poster design or the advertising graphics are included. The bibliographies provide a complete list of illustrated books and the most important secondary literature. A representative selection of the work is also documented in an extensive colored section.


"With regard to the [...] richness of detail in the representation, but also with a view to the very descriptive appreciation of those portrayed, the LdI is an example of excellent biographical lexicography."

- viewpoints

“Picture books are rarely only of interest to young people, at least the good ones. The lexicon of illustration in German-speaking countries since 1945 shows that a piece of contemporary history always resonates in her drawings. "

- Süddeutsche Zeitung

Edition and review

  • Foundation Illustration (Hrsg.): Lexicon of Illustration in the German-speaking Area since 1945 (LdI) . edition text + kritik, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-86916-191-4 (basic work including the third subsequent delivery).
  • Stefan Jordan In: see points. Issue 10 (2010), No. 2, accessed on July 13, 2012.
  • Laura Weißmüller In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. May 19, 2010.

Web links