Lexicon of German-language literature from the Baltic States and St. Petersburg

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The Lexicon of German-Language Literature of the Baltic States and St. Petersburg - from the Middle Ages to the Present is a three-volume encyclopedia that opens up German-language literature in the region of today's states Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania and the St. Petersburg region . The authors are Carola L. Gottzmann and Petra Hörner . It was published in 2007 by De Gruyter , Berlin / New York. The lexicon is the successor to the General Writers and Scholars Lexicon of the Provinces of Livonia, Esthland and Courland by Johann Friedrich von Recke and Karl Eduard von Napiersky, published from 1827, and the Lexicon of Baltic German Literature by May Redlich, published in 1989 .

Admission criteria

The primary admission criterion was birth in the region, including Robert Gernhardt , who was resettled at the age of one , but Paul Fleming and Johann Gottfried Herder are not. The “main place of activity” among immigrants was also taken into account. And authors only temporarily residing in the Baltic States were accepted if they were certified as having a lasting influence on the Baltic States.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. DNB 986252867 .
  2. a b Gero von Wilpert : Carola L. Gottzmann / Petra Hörner, Lexicon of German-Language Literature of the Baltic States and St. Petersburg. From the Middle Ages to the present. 2007 . In: Arbitrium: Journal for reviews on German literary studies . tape 27 , no. 1 , July 2009, p. 1-4 , doi : 10.1515 / arbi.2009.002 .
  3. ^ Martin Klöker: Colonial model and regional literature. The German-Livonian literary relations of the early modern period. In: The Baltic countries and Europe in the early modern period (= sources and studies on Baltic history. Volume 26). Edited by Norbert Angermann , Karsten Brüggemann and Inna Pöltsam-Jürjo . Böhlau, Köln / Weimar / Wien 2015, ISBN 978-3-412-50118-1 , pp. 37–66, here: p. 55, urn : nbn: de: 101: 1-2017072613963 ( scan in the Google book search ).