Li Leyi

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Li Leyi ( Chinese  李乐毅 , Pinyin Lǐ Lèyì ; * 1937 ) is a Chinese linguist .

His best-known work is the development of the Chinese script, using the example of 500 characters ( Chinese  汉字 演变 五百 例 , Pinyin Hànzì yǎnbiàn wǔbǎi lì , English Tracing the Roots of Chinese Characters: 500 Cases ).

The book covers 500 Chinese characters in alphabetical order according to the Pinyin novelization. The development of each character is shown in different stages, from oracle bone incisions to bronze inscriptions, small seal script, regular script, grass script to freestyle calligraphy.


  • Development of the Chinese script, using the example of 500 characters . CBT China Book Trading ( Chinese  北京 语言 大学 出版社 , Pinyin Běijīng yǔyán dà xué chū bǎn shè ), Beijing, 1993, ISBN 978-7-5619-0206-6 .