Liberalna Partija

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Cyrillic ( Bulgarian )
Либерална партия
Transl. : Liberalna Partija
Transcr. : Liberalna Partija

The Liberal Party ( Bulgarian Либерална партия ), LP for short, is one of the oldest political parties in Bulgaria . It was founded in 1879, during the first constituent session of the Bulgarian Parliament , and played an important role in the drafting of the first Bulgarian constitution . The newspapers Целокупна България (Zelkupna Bulgarija, dt. United Bulgaria), Независимост (Nezawisimost, dt. Independence), Търновска конституция (Tarnowska Konstitution .) Galten as their organ.

The party base was mostly pro- western (bulg. Русофоби / russophoben), or had enjoyed part of its education at the universities of Western Europe.
