Libro de Estilo

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A libro de estilo is a manual in the Spanish-speaking mass media in which a press organ - whether newspaper, news agency, radio or television station - sets down standards of its own mass media use of language. The term is the engl. stylebook borrows from and ties in with American traditions. In terms of language culture , the libros de estilo serve to improve journalistic language use. This includes orthographic, grammatical, lexical and textual regulations that journalists are supposed to follow and that readers and listeners can check for compliance. The best-known manual of this type is that of the Spanish daily El País . Efforts are being made to standardize the diversity of these standards. The Real Academia Española has published a Panhispanic dictionary for linguistic doubtful cases ( Diccionario panhispánico de dudas ).


  • Real Academia Española / Asociación de Academias de la Lengua: Diccionario panhispánico de dudas. Madrid 2005 ( )
  • Franz Lebsanft: Spanish language culture. Studies on the evaluation and maintenance of public language usage in Spain today. Tübingen: Niemeyer 1997. ISBN 978-3-484-52282-4 .
  • Franz Lebsanft: "Norma pluricéntrica del español y Academias de la Lengua", in: Christopher F. Laferl / Bernhard Poell: America and the norm. Tübingen: Niemeyer 2007, pp. 227–246.

References and footnotes

  1. cf. Libro de estilo de El País: Nueva edición actualizada ( partial online view ) & Manual de estilo del diario El País de España