Licinia (wife of Gaius Sulpicius Galba)

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Licinia was one in the second half of the 2nd century BC. Living noble Roman woman and wife of Gaius Sulpicius Galba , the younger son of the consul from 144 BC. BC, Servius Sulpicius Galba .

Licinia came from the plebeian family of the Licinier . She was the elder daughter of the consul from 131 BC. BC, Publius Licinius Crassus Dives Mucianus , and Clodia, a sister of the consul from 143 BC. BC, Appius Claudius Pulcher . Licinia had a younger sister of the same name who married the tribune Gaius Sempronius Gracchus .

Mucianus engaged Licinia as a young girl around 143 BC. With Gaius Sulpicius Galba and thus established family ties to his father Servius Sulpicius Galba. 109 BC BC Licinias husband was convicted of alleged bribery by the Numidian king Jugurtha . No further information is available about Licinia.



  1. Cicero , De oratore 1, 239; Brutus 98 and 127.