Liepājas partija

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Liepājas partija
Party leader Uldis Sesks
founding December 14, 2004
Headquarters Liepāja
Alignment Regionalist, skeptical of the EU
Colours) Green white

The Liepājas partija ( LP ) is a Latvian party that operates in the city of Liepāja (German: Libau). The founder and chairman of the party is Uldis Sesks , who has been the mayor of Liepāja since 1997. In the 2013 local elections, the LP won seven of the 15 seats on the city council.

The LP works with the nationwide alliance of the Greens and Farmers ZZS. Candidates of the LP are running on the lists of the ZZS for the Latvian Parliament Saeima . The LP currently occupies three of the 100 seats in the Saeima. With Māris Kučinskis , she provided the Prime Minister of Latvia from February 11, 2016 to January 23, 2019 .

Individual evidence
