Lilla Lövö

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Lilla Lövö
View of Lilla Lövö from the northeast
View of Lilla Lövö from the northeast
Waters Store Mosse
Geographical location 57 ° 16 '20 "  N , 13 ° 54' 25"  E Coordinates: 57 ° 16 '20 "  N , 13 ° 54' 25"  E
Lilla Lövö (Jönköping)
Lilla Lövö
length 350 m
width 140 m
surface 3 ha
Residents uninhabited

Lilla Lövö is an island in the Swedish moorland Store Mosse .


The island is located in the south-western part of the moor and is a moraine hill . The Lilla Lövö hiking trail leads over it . On the north side of Lilla Lövös there is a small rest area and lookout point. A sand dune runs north of the island, which in historical times represented a path through the swamp. The subsoil of the island consists of moraine material and Småland granite . The rocks on the island consist of metabasite , a greenish rock.

Flora and fauna

Spruce and pine trees grow on the island . The soil is rich in nutrients. Great spotted woodpeckers and tits are particularly common among birds . The hurricane Gudrun broke in January 2005 over a larger area the trees around. The condition was left as it was in order to increase the biodiversity on the island through natural development.

Lilla Lövö is surrounded by a so-called edge swamp . The vegetation in this marginal swamp, which lies between the solid land of the island and the actual moor, is more dense, as the nutrient-rich surface water flowing down from Lilla Lövö enables stronger vegetation. Birch and pine trees grow in the edge of the swamp and are already significantly larger than corresponding trees in the bog. In addition, fever clover and beak sedge occur. The nail bush grows directly at the transition to the land.


  • Cia Nilsson, Store Mosse , Länsstyrelsen, 2011
  • Lilla Lövö runt , hiking guide, page 9 f.