Link marketing

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Link marketing is a generic term for a strategy that includes all organic optimization processes of offpage optimization and link building measures that serve to increase the link popularity of a website and the visibility in the search results. It is a systematic structure of backlinks that lead to the targeted extraction of links from one strong website to another, so that the quality of the page views is increased.

Presentation of the various sources that are used for link marketing.

Working method

With search engine optimization you can optimize the on-page and off-page areas. The organic structure of backlinks is a significant signal for search engines like Google to increase the relevance of a website for a certain topic or branch and to get further good recommendations. With link marketing, all strategic procedures of link building are combined for the natural growth of a website. Important factors in natural link building are the anchor text, domain authority, link juice and the use of high-quality links. The thematic relevance can be strengthened through press releases, Wikipedia articles, social media , forums or blogs. For a link building strategy, a balanced ratio of incoming and outgoing links to your own link juice must be observed. This can be controlled via the No-Follow or Do-Follow instruction. In the industry, it is common practice to strengthen the sources used for link marketing on the first level with links from the second and third level. These are the so-called Tier2 and Tier3 links. The aim is to use these backlinks to strengthen the metric values ​​of the source in the first level and thus the resulting backlinks.


At the beginning of search engine optimization, so-called backlinks were the top page rank criterion for visibility on Google. With the help of an unnatural link profile, link purchases or link exchange programs generated above-average amounts of hard links. This is now considered search engine spamming. Manipulative backlink measures were discovered after several changes in the Google algorithm of the Penguin Updates between 2012 and 2014 and have since been prevented with ongoing cleanups. Many companies suffered high levels of damage and even lost their reputation. After these interventions, the artificial link building is bound to the Google Webmaster Guidelines.

Link marketing today is based on clean link earning, natural link building in a topic-relevant environment and links to high-quality websites with high metric values ​​and unique content.

Individual evidence

  1. Webmaster Guidelines - Search Console Help. Google, accessed January 14, 2018 .
  2. Link Exchange Programs - Search Console Help. Google, accessed January 14, 2018 .
  3. ↑ Report spam, paid links, or malware - Search Console Help. Google, accessed January 14, 2018 .
  4. Hidden Text and Links - Search Console Help. Google, accessed January 14, 2018 .
  5. Maik Metzen, Andre Alpar, Markus Koczy: SEO - strategy, tactics and technology. Online marketing using effective search engine optimization .
  6. Erwin Lemme Nett: Practical knowledge of online marketing. Affiliate and email marketing, search engine marketing, online advertising, social media, Facebook advertising . 6th edition.
  7. ^ Felix Baumann: Search engine optimization. Consideration of the online marketing tool using the practical example of an Internet portal .
  8. Dennis Hinnenkamp: Development of a web-based software for planning and controlling link building strategies for the search engine optimization of websites .