Left finite set

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A left finite set is a subset of the rational numbers by which each only a finite number of elements with contains. Left-finite sets are needed to define the Levi-Civita field .


A set is called final if and only if holds. It denotes the power of a crowd. Equivalent to this: is either finite or order isomorphic to the natural numbers.


  • Every finite set is left finite.
  • the set of natural numbers is left finite, although it contains an infinite number of elements.



  • The elements of a left-finite set can be arranged in ascending order with regard to their order relation.
  • Every non-empty left-finite set (i.e. is left-finite and ) has a minimum .
  • The union and the intersection of two left-fining sets are again left-fining sets.
  • A subset of a left-finite set is also left-finite.
  • If and are two left-finite sets, then the set is also left-finite.


  • Martin Berz: Calculus and Numerics on Levi-Civita Fields . In: Martin Berz, Christian Bischof, George Corliss, Andreas Griewank (eds.): Computational differentiation. Techniques, applications, and tools. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop held in Santa Fe, NM, February 12-14, 1996 . 1996, ISBN 0-89871-385-4 , chap. 2 (English, online [PDF; accessed June 6, 2013]).