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Location Liseberg
( Gothenburg , Sweden )
Type Steel - seated
Drive type Chain lift hill
Manufacturer Zierer Rides , BHS
Designer Ingenieurbüro Stengel GmbH
opening April 18, 1987
length 1340 m
height 45 m
Max. gradient 33 °
Max. speed 80 km / h
Max. acceleration 3 g
Travel time approx. 2.5 min
capacity 2000 people per hour
Trains 5 trains, 11 cars / train, 1 row of seats / car, 2 seats / row of seats
Inversions 0

Lisebergbanan in Gothenburg amusement park Liseberg in Sweden is a steel roller coaster , the manufacturer Zierer Rides and BHS, which was opened on 18 April 1987th

When Schwarzkopf GmbH went bankrupt, Anton Schwarzkopf worked as a freelancer with the Zierer company to build some roller coasters. The Lisebergbanan was the first of these roller coasters.

Lisebergbanan has five trains with eleven cars each. Two people (one row of two people) can sit in each car.

The construction of the train

The construction of the track is a so-called custom design, which means that this roller coaster is not a series-produced roller coaster, as is mainly the case with the manufacturers of roller coasters, but a custom-made product. The route of the driveway was specially designed for the Liseberg amusement park and therefore only exists once.

Planning the route

The difficulty in planning the route was that the railway was to be built on an approx. 36 meter high natural mountain with rocks, which is also wooded. In addition, there were a few rides and sidewalks on the mountain that were not allowed to be impaired by the course of the roller coaster. The fact that the Lisebergbanan runs over a natural mountain and is not a 45-meter-high steel structure makes this roller coaster look different from most other roller coasters.

The construction of the five trains had influence were some fast-paced curves and quick changes of direction are used for the infrastructure, the technology would not have been possible with longer compartments on the route, because by the eleven short compartments of the trains, because these for as little curve radii not are suitable.

Sketch of the Lisebergbanan

High numbers of passengers

Another difficulty was the high number of visitors to the amusement park and the roller coaster should therefore be able to carry as many passengers as possible so that there are no long waiting times. For this reason, it was decided that five wagon trains should be on the route at the same time, most of which drive at intervals of 45 seconds, which means that 1,760 people per hour can use the Lisebergbanan. However, shorter distances are also possible.

In summer, the Liseberg amusement park is open an average of 12 hours a day. On these days, the Lisebergbanan can (theoretically) carry up to 21,120 passengers and each of the five trains covers 257 kilometers per day. That's a total of 1,285 kilometers.

Positions of the car trains in operation

The positions of the car trains in operation are divided as follows: One train is always in the boarding area, one is always pulled up the elevator, two trains travel on the actual route and the fifth train approaches the station again after the final braking.

The station of the roller coaster

Entry area

The roller coaster station, located in front of the mountain in the main part of the amusement park at ground level, was designed in the style of a train station at the end of the 19th century. The entrance area was lavishly decorated with paintings and is illuminated with large chandeliers.


Onride video of the Lisebergbanan

From the day it opened on April 18, 1987 to July 17, 1991, the Lisebergbanan was the roller coaster with the longest driveway in Europe. There are currently only four roller coasters in Europe that have an even longer travel distance.


So that there are no rear-end collisions, there are two block brakes on the actual route on the mountain, which prevent two wagon trains from being in the same section of the railway at the same time.

At the end of the actual route there is a 540 ° helix (roundabout), behind which there is another block brake. The trains are brought to a standstill here. Then the trains roll on to the last block brake in front of the station, where the trains are stopped again.

This is followed by the four block sections of the station, in which the trains are pulled with traction wheels. 1. The waiting position in front of the transfer platform / 2. The transfer platform with which the five trains can be driven sideways onto their sidings / 3. The waiting position in front of the boarding area / 4. The boarding area where passengers can get on and off the trains.

The lift hill , addressed to the pulling of the trains to the highest point of the roller coaster also for safety: If the preceding vehicle train has not yet left the first block brake, then the lift switches off before the drawn train reaches the end of the lift. This is also the case with all other roller coasters where there are multiple trains.


Since the Liseberg amusement park is open until 11:00 p.m. on some days and the Lisebergbanan also runs in the dark, the trains were designed for optical reasons so that they can be illuminated all around.

The lift was equipped with thousands of light bulbs in several rows, which form a large running light in the dark, and the roller coaster station has also been extensively illuminated from the outside.


In 2006, 21 people were injured when two trains collided. The accident happened as the chain that the train to Lifthill transported up improperly worked and the fully loaded train rolled back to the boarding platform. Here the train hit another train in the station where passengers were getting off. Since only part of the train was on the lift hill, the rollback protection could not hold the entire train and broke off. After the accident, the runway was reopened after a technical correction.

Web links

Commons : Lisebergbanan  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Record holder at "Roller Coaster DataBase"
  2. Lisebergs Årsredovisning 2006 ( Memento of the original from July 2, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Page 12) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Report of the Statens haverikommission ( Memento from August 17, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 893 kB)

Coordinates: 57 ° 41 ′ 41.4 "  N , 11 ° 59 ′ 33.9"  E