List of street names from Hanau / J

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Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (1778-1852) was the founder of the gymnastics movement in Germany. The street named after him opens up the grounds of the Hanau gymnastics community.

Jakob-Altmaier-Strasse (Großauheim)

Jakob Altmaier (1889–1963) represented the constituency of Hanau in the German Bundestag as a member of the SPD from 1949 until his death.

Jakob-Rullmann-Strasse (Kesselstadt)

Jakob Rullmann (1807–1884) was pastor in Kesselstadt from 1869 until his death, and until 1876 also local school inspector. During this time he devoted himself to researching the history of the village, which he published in 1881 under the title Attempt on a History of the Parish Village of Kesselstadt .

Jakobusstrasse (Großauheim)


Jasminweg (Klein-Auheim)


Johannes-Eppert-Weg (Steinheim)

Johannes Eppert (1883–1966) was employed as a metal worker in the Mühlheim works of the Offenbach screw industry. After the Second World War he was the first freely elected fire inspector in the city of Steinheim. In 1961 he was made an honorary citizen of his hometown for his commitment.

Johannes-Machern-Strasse (Steinheim)

Johannes Machern († 1637) was a Benedictine and did pastoral work in Hanau during the Thirty Years' War.

Johannes-Neeb-Strasse (Steinheim)

Johannes Neeb (1767–1843) worked after his ordination first at the electoral high school in Aschaffenburg, later at the chair for logic and metaphysics at the University of Bonn and at the Central School in Mainz. He was a member of the Provincial Council of the Province of Rheinhessen and the second chamber of the state estates of the Grand Duchy of Hesse.


The Johanneskirche is the first Lutheran church in the city. It was built between 1679 and 1691 in the old town in the immediate vicinity of the castle.


see: Johanneskirchgasse

John-F.-Kennedy-Strasse (Großauheim)

John F. Kennedy (1917–1963) was President of the United States from 1961 until his assassination in November 1963.

Josef-Bautz-Strasse (Großauheim)

Franz Josef Bautz (1874–1953) was one of the founders of the Bautz AG harvesting machine factory in Saulgau / Oberschwaben in 1890 . At the end of the 1960s, it became part of Claas KG.




Julius Leber (1891–1945) was a member of the SPD in the Reichstag from 1924 to 1933. During the time of National Socialism he was one of the leading figures in the resistance movement against Hitler in the vicinity of Stauffenberg and Moltke.
