List of Abbots of the Aura Monastery

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The following people were abbots of the Benedictine monastery Aura in Aura an der Saale :

Abbots of the Aura Monastery
Surname annotation
1. Ekkehard from Aura Historian; first abbot of the monastery
2. Name unsure; possibly "Albert"
3. Folcnandus possibly died in 1143.
4th Conradus (I.) First mentioned in 1144.
5. Herrmann Mentioned in connection with the Aura monastery for the year 1156. Possibly the third abbot of the Münchaurach monastery instead .
6th Conradus (II.) Cited in documents from 1167 (in connection with an exchange of goods) and from July 10, 1179 (as a witness). During his time, the Auraer St Laurentius Church received several territorial donations.
No records in the period between 1179 and 1244. There were probably several abbots who are now unknown by name.
7th John Guaranteed for the year 1244; possibly this is Abbot John I of Ebrach.
8th. Heinricus (I.) In documents from 1275 and 1277 mentioned as a witness in connection with area waiver services.
9. Hartmann (or Hartmut) First guaranteed for the year 1299; also mentioned in a document from 1302 in connection with the purchase of the village of Hain by the monastery.
10. Krafto Only mention in a document from 1312.
11. Heinricus (II.) The documentary mentions of Abbot Heinricus date to July 19, 1313 (or July 29, 1317) and to the year 1316; the latter mentioned in a document from the Würzburg St. Stephan monastery .
12. Ludovicus (I. + II.?) Elected abbot in 1345. Possibly there was also an abbot Eberhard (1319–1321) and two successive abbots named Ludwig (1334–1342 [or 1345] and 1345–1360) at this time.
13. Sigewin Mentioned in a document in 1366.
Gap in tradition
14th John (I.) Passed down through documentary mentions of 1422, 1424 and 1436, among other things in connection with an acquisition of goods and a dispute settlement.
15th Peter Mentioned in 1450.
16. Bertholdus Evidenced by participation in the synod of Würzburg Bishop Gottfried IV. 1452 in Würzburg . Bertholdus died on March 3, 1473.
17th Burcardus Apparently the direct successor of Abbot Berthold. Burkardus was called "Ipsheimer" according to Wagner, became a member of the Bursfeld congregation in 1478 and died on December 17, 1522. The official acts of Abbot Burkard have been handed down in connection with tithes (1488, 1492, 1493).
(Wagner found evidence of an abbot John II for the period from 1465 to 1497. According to this, he was employed by Bishop Johann III von Grumbach , from 1465 to 1497 at the Aura monastery and died after an early resignation in 1497 and a brief activity at the Hausen monastery on May 10, 1497 in the women's monastery in Neuburg near Heidelberg.)
18th George The first known documentary mention comes from the year 1523. He had to move some meadows due to the financial situation of the monastery after the peasant uprising of 1525 . He died in 1549.
19th Balthazar He was elected abbot in 1549 and served for about two years. He too had to struggle with the monastery's financial difficulties after the peasant uprising.
20th John (III.) His full name was Johannes Fleischmann and was elected abbot on September 23, 1552. He had to cope with the financial consequences of the Margravian War for the monastery. He died in 1556 after shortly before he had to be represented by Abbot Jodocus at the deliberations of the Würzburg Prince-Bishop Melchior Zobel von Giebelstadt .
21st Jodocus Jodocus Jäcklein was made abbot on January 9, 1557 and worked here for three years. The circumstances of his administration forced him to go into debt.
22nd Leonhard Leonard Gneitzheimer, who had worked as abbot at the Schwarzach monastery from 1551 , was appointed abbot of the Aura monastery by Prince-Bishop Friedrich von Wirsberg on March 27, 1560 . He was transferred to the St. Stephan Monastery in Würzburg in July 1564 because of misconducts such as the squandering of monastery goods and extravagance, which he had already committed before his time at Aura Monastery. He died in the Schottenkloster Würzburg in 1566 .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Werner Eberth: Ekkehard von Aura , Bad Kissingen 2005, pp. 53-76
  2. a b c d e f g Heinrich Wagner: List of documents of the Aura ad Saale monastery from 1556 , in: Würzburger Diözesangeschichtsblätter 47, 1985, pp. 107-148.