List of representatives in the municipal parliament of the Hohenzollern Lands, 1933

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This list names the members of the municipal parliament of the Hohenzollern Lands in the fifth and last electoral term of the Weimar Republic in 1933 .


A municipal parliament was elected for the last time on March 12, 1933. Similar to the Reichstag elections that had taken place a week earlier , the election campaign was not free from interference. Nevertheless, the center again received a majority in the municipal parliament. With the Prussian law on the extension of the powers of the Oberpräsident (Oberpräsidentsgesetz) of December 15, 1933, the municipal parliament was dissolved on December 31, 1933.

The communal parliament had 24 members (of which only 23 were occupied), who were elected in a constituency in free and equal elections. The Hohenzollern Lands were by far predominantly Catholic. The German Center Party (Zentrum) received a total of 12 seats (−3) in the municipal state elections in 1933, the NSDAP , which was represented in the local government for the first time, received 10 seats and the DNVP (Hohenzollern Farmers' Union) received one seat (−1).


MP job Political party Term of office
Fridolin Blender Farmer, Vilsingen NSDAP 1933
Heinrich Rinklef Engineer, Sigmaringendorf NSDAP 1933
Karl Sträßle Mayor, Sigmaringen NSDAP 1933
Otto Kugler Master potter, Ostrach NSDAP 1933
Vincent Stehle Farmer, Bittelbronn NSDAP 1933
Karl Maier Forest Officer, Betra NSDAP 1933
Xaver Haug Motor vehicle driver, Hechingen NSDAP 1933
Max Klaiber Teacher, Steinhilben NSDAP 1933
Paul Schell Farmer, Vilsingen NSDAP 1933
Wilhelm Rapp Farmer, Heidenhof / Dießen NSDAP 1933
Franz Keller Agriculture Council, Haigerloch Hohenzollern farmers' union 1933
Carl Vogel Pastor, Straßberg center 1933
Emil Straub Farmer, Otterswang center 1933
Hermann Ott Master painter, Sigmaringen center 1933
August Hebeisen Zimmermann, Veringendorf center 1933
Josef Strobel Mayor, Ablach center 1933
Leonhard Stiegler Graduate commercial teacher, Sigmaringen center 1933
Clemens Moser Student councilor, Hechingen center 1933
Hermann Eger Farmer, Weildorf center 1933
Alois Mayer Factory owner, Burladingen center 1933
Simon Hausch Farmer, Wessingen center 1933
Franz Dreher People's office and workers' representatives, Hechingen center 1933
Fidel Glamser Government Veterinary Council, Hechingen center 1933

State Committee

MP job Political party Term of office
Vincent Stehle Farmer, Bittelbronn NSDAP 1933
Paul Schell Farmer, Vilsingen NSDAP 1933
Simon Hausch Farmer, Wessingen center 1933
Josef Strobel Farmer and innkeeper, Ablach center 1933

Karl Maier was the chairman of the municipal parliament and the state committee.

According to the Prussian constitution of 1920, the communal parliament elected a member of the Prussian State Council. This member was Emil Belzer from 1919 to 1930 and Clemens Moser from 1930 to 1933.


  • Josef Mühlebach: The regional association of the Hohenzollerische Land. Historical development, legal basis and areas of responsibility, Sigmaringen 1972 (= work on regional studies of Hohenzollern, volume 10), pp. 95–96, 102, 107.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Prussian Constitution, Article 32 (3), online