List of Constellation missions

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This list contains all completed and previously planned missions of the Constellation program . In addition to the regular missions, the cancellation tests are listed.

List of regular Constellation missions

date mission carrier
Duration Crew size start
comment Mission outcome
October 28, 2009 Ares IX Ares I ≈8 min. 0 39B Test of the first stage of the Ares I launcher with four active SRM segments and an inactive fifth segment and a dummy of the upper stage Success of
successful test of the first level and the separation from the upper level
All subsequent missions were canceled on February 1, 2010 .
2012/2013 Ares IX Prime Ares I ?? 0 ?? This mission was meant to replace if Ares IY had been canceled. The mission process was not yet clear
2014 Ares IY Ares I ≈8 min. 0 39B First test of an Ares-I launcher with a complete first stage and inactive upper stage with no engine. Aborted takeoff at high altitude.
2014 Orion 1 Ares I ≈14 d 0 39B First flight of the Orion spacecraft , orbital flight.
2014 Orion 2 Ares I ≈14 d 2 39B First manned flight, rendezvous and docking with the ISS
2015 Orion 3 Ares I ≈14 d 2 39B Manned test flight
2015 Orion 4 Ares I ≈90 d 3 39B First scheduled ISS flight crew exchange
2016 Orion 5 Ares I ≈180 d 3 39B Manned ISS mission - crew exchange
2016 Orion 6 Ares I ≈30 d 3 39B Manned ISS mission - crew exchange
2017 Orion 7 Ares I ≈30 d 3 39B Manned ISS mission - crew exchange
2017 Orion 8 Ares I ≈180 d 3 39B Manned ISS mission - crew exchange
2018 Orion 9 Ares I ≈30 d 3 39B Manned ISS mission - crew exchange
2018 Ares VY Ares V 0 39A First flight of the Ares V
2018 Orion 10 Ares I ≈180 d 3 39B Manned ISS mission - crew exchange
2019 Orion 11 Ares I / V ≈10 d 3 39A / B Test of coupling with the lunar module in earth orbit
2019 Orion 12 Ares I ≈30 d 4th 39B Manned ISS mission - crew exchange
2019 Orion 13 Ares I / V ≈21 d 3 39A / B Manned moon landing
2019 Orion 14 Ares I ≈30 d 3 39B Manned ISS mission - crew exchange
2020 Orion 15 Ares I / V ≈21 d 3 39A / B Manned moon landing
2020 Orion 16 Ares I ≈30 d 3 39B Manned ISS mission - crew exchange
2020 Orion 17 Ares V 0 39A Possibly start of the construction of the lunar base
2020 Orion 18 Ares I ≈30 d 3 39B Manned ISS mission - crew exchange

List of termination tests

date mission comment Results
July 8, 2009 MLAS Test of the alternative start abort system Success
All goals achieved.
May 6, 2010 Pad Abort-1 Abort test on the start table Success
All goals achieved.
3rd quarter 2010 AA-1 Start aborted when the sound barrier is reached (Transsonic Abort) deleted after the program was canceled
4th quarter 2011 AA-2 Termination at the highest dynamic pressure load (Max Q) deleted after the program was canceled
4th quarter 2012 Pad Abort-2 second break test on the start table deleted after the program was canceled

Descriptions of the Constellation missions

Ares IX : First launch of the Ares I launcher with a first stage test. The solid propellant booster ( S olid R ocket B oosters) consisted of four active SRB segments and a fifth inactive segment and the upper stage. Both were loaded with steel to simulate the mass of the Orion spacecraft and the loading characteristics. The mission lasted around two minutes. After that, the upper stage of the rocket with the simulated payload crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, while the first stage of parachutes was recovered. The mission was a success.

Ares IY : First launch of the fully developed first stage of the Ares I launcher. This was to be the first flight of the full five-segment SRB. The upper stage should, however, be equipped with an inactive J-2X engine . The rocket was supposed to transport an unmanned crew module and a launch abort system. The inactive upper stage engine should trigger an aborted start after the stage separation. The duration of the mission was set at about eight minutes in total.

Orion 1 : First launch of the full rocket with fully functional upper stage and unmanned Orion spaceship. The flight of several days was intended to check all systems in the Orion capsule. Among other things, docking with the International Space Station should be tested. The mission should end with a splash in the Pacific Ocean and represent the dress rehearsal for the subsequent manned flights.

Orion 2 : First manned flight. This should be the first flight that corresponds to the mission profile of the later crew exchange flights, but the mission is still a test. The capsule should only be manned by two people. The landing was supposed to take place on the American mainland.

Further probable Orion missions (after 2020): These manned missions should probably serve to build NASA's first lunar base, which could be a possible preliminary stage of a settlement on the celestial body. In addition, these missions should serve to prepare a possible journey for humans to Mars, since the moon could be ideal as a terrain for collecting extraterrestrial experiences. According to NASA, the possible trip to Mars could have taken place until 2037, but the plans for this were still extremely vague at the time.

Web links

NASA: Constellation Program (English)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d NASA’S PROJECT CONSTELLATION AND THE FUTURE OF HUMAN SPACEFLIGHT. (PDF), February 23, 2010, accessed on January 29, 2019 .
  2. NASA: Multi-Program Integrated Milestones (PDF; 729 kB), February 3, 2009 (English)