List of Darker-than-Black characters

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This is a list of characters from the works of the Darker than Black franchise . It should give an overview of the different organizations and the interaction of the characters.

The Syndicate

Initially, the Syndicate ( 組織 , Soshiki ) was imagined as a mysterious underground organization whose true goals cannot be identified. The communication with the syndicate takes place almost entirely through contact men who both give orders and inquire about their progress. One of these contact men is Huang, who also only receives his orders from other contact men. He, meanwhile, passes his information on to Hei, Mao and Yin, who are the focus of the plot. The jobs are mostly done by Hei, since Yin is used as a doll for observation and Mao in his form as a cat is also not suitable for armed conflicts.

As the plot progresses, it becomes clear that the Syndicate is only a sub-group of a global organization and is under the control of the Pandora Institute , which has set itself the goal of stabilizing the state of the planet and destroying Hell's Gate.

Hei ( , German "black")
Hei is the protagonist of the first anime and is listed as a contractor under the code number BK-201 . Like many characters, he has several aliases and so "Hei" is only an alias with which he is known to the syndicate. Other contractors usually refer to him as the Black God of Death ( 黒 の 死神 , Kuro no Shinigami ) and is notorious among them. In his spare time between assignments, he assumes the identity of a well-bred Chinese exchange student , posing as Lee Sheng Shun ( 李舜生 , Ri Shenshun ), who lives in the Umitsuki Apartments and does occasional part-time jobs. In this role he reveals a huge hunger, which amazes the people who meet him again and again.
As a contractor, he disguises himself with a mask and uses corded knives as a weapon, which he also uses as a grappling hook. His special ability is to transmit electric current surges through conductive materials, whereby he can put his opponents out of action by touching them or by using the knives connected to him. In contrast to other contractors, he does not have to pay any penance and is therefore considered exceptional. In contrast to the other contractors, he also shows feelings. This fact is justified within the first series with the fact that his sister Pai gave him this ability and since then he has been able to manipulate molecules, which gives him the ability of a contractor, but does not have the same side effects.
In the sequel Darker than Black: Ryūsei no Gemini , Hei no longer works for the collapsed Syndicate and has visibly aged. Although his appetite is still great, according to Mao he is supposed to eat almost exclusively from alcohol. Now it has a rather neglected appearance and makes a slightly tired impression. In his dreams, meanwhile, it becomes clear that he still loves and misses Yin, who turned away from him at the end of the first series. In the sequel he loses his ability in a trap set by the MIC and has since then been solely dependent on his physical abilities. In the interplay Suō Pavlichenko , whose training he takes over, he promises her to give up drinking and again shows his emotional side when he tries to support her in the best possible way, even if not entirely unselfishly.
Yin ( , In , German "silver")
She is a supporter of Hei and is initially presented as an emotionless medium, a so-called doll . Accordingly, she is unable to make her own decisions and only obeys when instructed. Their ability is to monitor the activities during a mission by sending out what is known as an observer spirit . However, this only works in conjunction with water. For this, Yin itself has to be in contact with water and can only perceive the environment from other water surfaces.
In the side stories, which also tell about her past, it is pointed out that she is of Finnish descent and was originally named Kirsikka . Shortly called Kirsi, she took piano lessons from the Finnish composer Elis Kastinen. It is implied several times that she is blind or at least can only see very poorly, although she herself claims that she feels the moonlight as very beautiful. In the anime, this impression is underlined by her matte iris. After the death of her mother, she turned into a doll under circumstances that were not clearly understood.
Although she as Doll, of which Huang is firmly convinced, should have no feelings or even a will of her own, she decides to stay with Hei in a later section of the plot and shows increasingly more feelings and a certain form of affection for him. Within the second series, she is referred to as Izanami by the parties and is under the control of the MIC. Nevertheless, with the help of her Observer Spirit, who has now taken on a human form, she manages to get an overview of the situation. At the same time, she now acquired the ability to manipulate the skills of other contractors and turn them against them, which strengthens the MIC's interest in her, so that she can be used as a weapon against contractors. In doing so, she occasionally intervenes in the plot, for example by eliminating Suō Pavlichenko's opponents .
Mao ( , German "cat")
Mao is also a contractor, but his spirit has left its original body and now resides in the body of a cat. In the other organizations it is listed as HM-432 . However, its real name is never mentioned. Its ability is to take over the body of smaller animals and suppress their natural instincts. As a result, he is also able to speak in the form of an animal and can also connect directly to a wireless network via which he can send and receive information at any time. Since he lost his original body, he is freed from repentance, but must regularly connect to the network, otherwise he would lose control of the animal's natural instincts and die. In the confrontations he usually distracts the opponents from Hei and serves as a scout.
In Darker than Black: Ryusei no Gemini he takes over the body of suos Pet Pecha, a Momonga (a Japanese flying squirrel species). Mao essentially takes on the same role as in the first series and is here again and again the subject of humorous interludes. For example, in the first series he was repeatedly driven away by the owner of the Umitsuki apartment and hunted by cats as Momonga. Always complaining about being called a flying squirrel by other people. So z. For example, he said that he would hate other cats most in the springtime because they were looking for a partner to have kittens.
Huang ( , German "yellow")
Huang is a contact person for the syndicate and gives orders to the Hei, Mao and Yin and thus represents the head of the group. He makes high demands on his troops and at the same time shows his negative attitude towards contractors and dolls. At the same time, however, he also tries to make the missions a success and even provides cover for the assignments. His appearance is that of a shorter man in old age.

Japanese police

Misaki Kirihara ( き り は ら み さ き , Eng. "?")
Misaki Kirihara is the head of Section 4 of the Japanese Police. Section 4 is the only police department that deals with the gates and all related persons and incidents. As the leader, she is responsible for the first season that no information about contractors or dolls gets to the public. The contractor BK-201 is particularly important to them, as he is involved in many unresolved cases that are related to various secret services and PANDORA. In the course of the plot, she meets Hei as Lee Sheng Shun, but has no suspicions.
In the second season, Twins of the Meteor ( 流星 の 双子 , Ryuusei no gemini ) she no longer works for Section 4, but independently investigates BK-201 and the Syndicate.

Independent characters

Suō Pavlichenko ( 蘇 芳 ・ パ ブ リ チ ェ ン コ , Suō Paburichenko )
As a thirteen year old girl, she is the real protagonist of the series. At the beginning of the plot, she lives in Vladivostok and is raised there by her Russian father, along with her brother Shion. Her Japanese mother is spoken of only sporadically, so the details are unclear. Before the latent powers of a contractor awaken in her, she is an enthusiastic amateur photographer and cultivates a close friendship with Tanya and Nika, who is in love with her. Through the effect of a medallion presented to her by Shion , in conjunction with a trap actually set for Hei, the essence of a contractor awakens in her. Her ability is revealed for the first time when Nika is killed by Tanya. She manifests an anti- tank rifle ( PTRD-41 ) from the fragments of a meteor embedded in her medallion, which she can use with great precision. She is supported in the course of the action by the contractor July, who telepathically transmits the exact position and environmental influences of her goals to her with his ability.
Shion Pavlichenko ( 紫苑 ・ パ ブ リ チ ェ ン コ , Shion Paburichenko )
He is the twin brother of Suō. At the beginning of the plot he loses his right eyesight when he is hit by a piece of a falling meteor, which also turns him into a contractor. Since then he has been dependent on a wheelchair and his father does not let him out of the apartment and hides him from the other residents. Ultimately, for a reason that has not yet been specified, he is the primary goal of the other organizations. Since the attack on the Pavlichenko's apartment, he has been on the run, but repeatedly gives Suō instructions via a kind of telepathic ability.