List of honorary citizens of middle sense

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Coat of arms of the community of Mittelinn

The honorary citizenship is the highest award of the community of means sense .

Three people have been made honorary citizens since World War II.

Note: The listing is done chronologically according to the date of award.

The honorary citizens of the community Mittelinn

  1. Leo Vogt (born February 7, 1901 in Frammersbach; † April 20, 1987 in Lohr am Main)
    Awarded on February 6, 1971
    In 1909 Vogt came to Mittelinn with his mother, who after the death of her first husband had married the local farmer August Zwirlein. The job initially took him abroad. After the end of the Second World War, he returned to Mittelinn in October 1945 and found a job at the butcher's Ullrich. He later married into the butcher's shop. From 1952 to 1972 he was mayor of Mittelinn. During his tenure, the village streets were modernized and the sewer system built. He was an honorary member of the gymnastics club and the volunteer fire department.
  2. Karl Wendel (* 1910 in Offenbach am Main; † September 5, 1980 in Mittelinn)
    Awarded in 1980
    Wendel returned from the Second World War seriously wounded and in the following years acted as chairman of the VdK local association Mittelinn and the VdK district association Gemünden for the interests of the war disabled and the surviving dependents of the war victims. From 1955 he was chairman of the gymnastics club. The new gym, which was inaugurated in 1962, was built at his instigation.
  3. Hans August Fischer (born October 10, 1920 in Mittelinn)
    Foundation founder
    Awarded on July 21, 2011
    Fischer was ministerial director in the Federal Ministry of Economics. He is the author of numerous economic policy treatises. At the end of 2007 he founded the home foundation named after him, which promotes the preservation of local monuments.


  • Honorary citizen middle-minded . In: Mittelinn im Sinngrund . Mittelinn, Hans August Fischer Heimatstiftung 2012, p. 442f.