List of cultural monuments in Flensburg-Sandberg

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The list of cultural monuments in Flensburg-Sandberg contains all the cultural monuments of the Sandberg district of the Schleswig-Holstein city of Flensburg . The literature listed in the main article served in particular for the preparation .


Z. location designation description image
Heinrichstrasse 19 former administrator house (outbuilding) Former  Office administrator house (outbuilding) .jpg
Heinrichstrasse 34 Chamber of Commerce and Industry Heinrichstrasse 34, Flensburg.jpg
1 Kappelner Strasse 36 St. Johannis windmill Two-story gallery Dutch from 1808 To Johannismuehle, Flensburg.jpg
2 Kappelner Strasse 36 Miller's house To Johannismuehle 6, Flensburg.jpg
3 Kappelner Strasse 36 Farm buildings
1 Sünderup-Hof 1 Sünderup Hof manor house SuenderupHof-GutshausFlensburg-Sandberg.jpg
2 Sünderup-Hof 1 barn SuenderupHof-ScheuneFlensburg-Sandberg.jpg
3 Sünderup-Hof 1 Stable building
4th Sünderup-Hof 1 Bark house
Waitzstrasse 1–3 District House Flensburg-Land The district house ensemble of the Flensburg-Land district
Waitzstrasse 1 Office administrator residence Waitzstrasse 1, Flensburg.jpg
Waitzstrasse 3 New office building Waitzstrasse 3, Flensburg.jpg