List of natural monuments in Oberstadion

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Natural monuments number
FND 8th
END 13
total 21st

The list of natural monuments in Oberstadion names the prescribed natural monuments (ND) of the municipality of Oberstadion in the Alb-Danube district of Baden-Württemberg . In the Oberstadion there are a total of 21 objects protected as natural monuments, of which 8 are areal natural monuments (FND) and 13 individual structure natural monuments (END).

As of November 1, 2016.

Areal natural monuments (FND)

Surname image Identifier

details position Area
Trees in the castle park BW 84250910001

Upper stadium
4.3 1999-09-27
Ice pond with trenches BW 84250910005

Upper stadium
0.2 1999-09-27
Ice pond BW 84250910019

Upper stadium
0.2 1999-09-27
Mühlhauser Bach BW 84250910022

Oberstadion, Attenweiler
0.5 1999-09-27
Sand pit BW 84250910009

Upper stadium
0.1 1999-09-27
Sand pit BW 84250910012

Upper stadium
0.2 1999-09-27
Pool in the forest with floodplain and reed belt BW 84250910018

Upper stadium
0.2 1999-09-27
Pool with spring connections BW 84250910004

Upper stadium
0.2 1999-09-27
Legend for natural monument

Single structure (END)

Surname image Identifier

details position Area
1 pear tree BW 84250910006

Upper stadium
0.0 1999-09-27
1 pear tree BW 84250910007

Upper stadium
0.0 1999-09-27
1 pear tree BW 84250910013

Upper stadium
0.0 1999-09-27
1 summer linden tree BW 84250910002

Upper stadium
0.0 1999-09-27
1 summer linden tree BW 84250910014

Upper stadium
0.0 1999-09-27
1 English oak BW 84250910011

Upper stadium
0.0 1999-09-27
1 English oak BW 84250910016

Upper stadium
0.0 1999-09-27
1 English oak BW 84250910017

Upper stadium
0.0 1999-09-27
1 winter linden tree BW 84250910003

Upper stadium
0.0 1999-09-27
2 summer linden trees BW 84250910015

Upper stadium
0.0 1999-09-27
2 English oaks BW 84250910010

Upper stadium
0.0 1999-09-27
2 English oaks BW 84250910020

Upper stadium
0.0 1999-09-27
4 English oaks BW 84250910008

Upper stadium
0.0 1999-09-27
Legend for natural monument

Web links