List of listed objects in Kláštor pod Znievom

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The list of listed objects in Kláštor pod Znievom contains 46 objects protected under the Slovak monument protection regulations in the municipality of Kláštor pod Znievom in Okres Martin.


photo   Monument / č. ÚZPF Location / conskr. No. Official description description

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Kalvarienbergkapelle (sk)
ObjektID: 506-563 / 1

KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
rksv.Kríža Roman Catholic Chapel of the Holy Cross

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Fortification wall with gates (sk)
ObjektID: 506-563 / 2

KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
murovaný; 3 brány, 6 kaplniek Kríž.cesty 3 gates, 6 chapels

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Chapel of the Cross (sk)
ObjectID: 506-563 / 3

KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
9.zastavenie; 3.pád Krista pod krížom 9th station, 3rd fall of Jesus under the cross

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Chapel of the Cross (sk)
ObjectID: 506-563 / 4

KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
10.zastavenie; Vyzliekanie Krista 10th station, Christ undressing

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Chapel of the Cross (sk)
ObjectID: 506-563 / 5

KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
11.zastavenie; Pribíjanie Krista na kríž 11th station, pinning Jesus to the cross

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Chapel of the Cross (sk)
ObjectID: 506-563 / 6

KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
12.zastavenie; Ukrižovanie Krista 12th station, crucifixion of Christ

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Chapel of the Cross (sk)
ObjectID: 506-563 / 7

KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
13.zastavenie; Snímanie Krista z kríža 13th station, Jesus is taken down from the cross

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Chapel of the Cross (sk)
ObjectID: 506-563 / 8

KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
14.zastavenie; Ukladanie Krista do hrobu 14th station, burial of Jesus

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Grave monument with statue (sk)
ObjectID: 506-565 / 1

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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
pieskovec; Mathias Tocsek Pascery des Mathias Tocsek Pascery, sandstone

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Gravestone with cross (sk)
ObjektID: 506-565 / 2

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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
pieskovec; Mária Tocsegh the Mária Tocsegh, sandstone

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Gravestone with cross (sk)
ObjektID: 506-565 / 3

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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
pieskovec; Ana Tocsegh the Ana Tocsegh, sandstone

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Gravestone with cross (sk)
ObjektID: 506-565 / 4

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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
pieskovec; Tocsek Mátyás (Matej) des Mátyás (Matej) Tocsek, sandstone

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Gravestone with cross (sk)
ObjektID: 506-565 / 5

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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
pieskovec; Tocsek Rezsö des Rezsö Tocsek, sandstone

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Defense tower (sk)
ObjectID: 506-554 / 1

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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
hradné jadro; Starý hrad, Znievsky hrad Core lock, old lock, Znievska castle

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Fortification wall 1 (sk)
ObjectID: 506-554 / 2

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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
hradné jadro Core lock

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Burghof 1 (sk)
ObjectID: 506-554 / 3

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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
hradné jadro Core lock

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Trench 1 (sk)
ObjectID: 506-554 / 4

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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
hradné jadro Core lock

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Castle Palace (sk)
ObjectID: 506-554 / 5

KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
predhradie; nový hrad New castle, weir

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Castle wall 2 (sk)
ObjectID: 506-554 / 6

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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
predhradie Weir

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Burghof 2 (sk)
ObjectID: 506-554 / 7

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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
predhradie Weir

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Trench 2 (sk)
ObjectID: 506-554 / 8

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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
predhradie; priekopa Weir

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Pillar architecture (sk)
ObjectID: 506-2184 / 1

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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
pilier s podstavcom Column with stand

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Cross with corpus (sk)
ObjektID: 506-2184 / 2

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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
Ukrižovaný Kristus; socha Krista na kríži Jesus on the cross

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Statue (sk)
ObjectID: 506-2184 / 3

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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
Panna Mária; socha Panny Márie Virgin Mary

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Statue (sk)
ObjectID: 506-2184 / 4

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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
sv.Ján Evanjelista; socha sv.Jána Evanjelistu St. John the Evangelist

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Cross with corpus (sk)
ObjektID: 506-11537 / 0
Čulena M. ul.
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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
drevený, Ukrižovaný Kristu; socha Krista na kríži Jesus on the cross

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Pfarrhof (sk)
ObjectID: 506-556 / 1
Čulenova ul. 111
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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .: 111
rk; rímskokatolícka fara Roman Catholic parish

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Gate (sk)
ObjectID: 506-556 / 2
Čulenova ul. 111
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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .: 111
murovaná; hlavná vstupná brána Main gate

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Gedenkgymnasium (sk)
ObjectID: 506-562 / 1
Čulenova ul. 116 KG
: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .: 116
solitér, chodbový; kláštorné gymnázium Monastery school

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Memorial plaque (sk)
ObjectID: 506-562 / 2
Čulenova ul. 116 KG
: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .: 116
Čulen Martin; 1823-94 kňaz, pedag.publicista for the teacher, priest and writer Martin Čulen

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Premonstratensian Convention (sk)
ObjectID: 506-557 / 1
Gymnaziálna ul. KG
: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .: 162
premonštrátsky convent

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Church (sk)
ObjectID: 506-557 / 2
Gymnaziálna ul. KG
: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .: 162
rkNanebovzatia PM; kláštorný, prepoštský kostol Roman Catholic Provost Church of the Assumption

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Allee (sk)
ObjektID: 506-557 / 3
Gymnaziálna ul.
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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
lipová Avenue of lime trees

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Farm buildings (sk)
Object ID: 506-557 / 4
Gymnaziálna ul.
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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
murovaná; Charitný domov Charity house

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Granary (sk)
Object ID: 506-557 / 5
Gymnaziálna ul.
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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
murovaná; sklady

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Garden (sk)
ObjectID: 506-557 / 6
. Gymnaziálna ul
KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
kláštorná záhrada Monastery garden

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Attachment with gate (sk)
ObjektID: 506-557 / 7
Gymnaziálna ul.
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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
murované + drevené; fragment pôvodného oplotenia Fragment of the original fencing

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Base (sk)
ObjectID: 506-564 / 1
Moyzesa A. ul. 0
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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
štvorboký, kamenný

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Statue (sk)
ObjectID: 506-564 / 2
Moyzesa A. ul. 0 KG
: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .:
sv.Florián; socha sv.Floriána St. Florian

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School (sk)
ObjectID: 506-561 / 0
Moyzesa A. ul. 2
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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .: 109

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Gymnasium (sk)
ObjektID: 506-10005 / 0
Moyzesa A. ul. 39 KG
: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .: 39
1.slovenské katolícke; 1.slov.patronát.gymnázium First Catholic grammar school in Slovakia

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Building in typical regional architectural style 1 (sk)
ObjektID: 506-559 / 1
Moyzesa A. ul. 47 KG
: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .: 47

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Building in typical regional architectural style 2 (sk)
ObjektID: 506-559 / 2
Moyzesa A. ul. 48 KG
: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .: 48

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Bürgerhaus (sk)
ObjectID: 506-560 / 0
Moyzesa A. ul.
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KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .: 57
prejazdový, radový Terraced house, passage

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Church (sk)
ObjectID: 506-555 / 0
. Moyzesova ul
KG: Kláštor pod Znievom
Konskr.Nr .: 1
rksv.Mikuláša; farský kostol Roman Catholic Parish Church of St. Nicholas

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Country seat (sk)
ObjektID: 506-567 / 0
528-529 KG
: Lazany
Konskr.Nr .: 528-529
radová, prejazdová Terraced house, passage


The table contains the following information:

Photo: Photograph of the monument.
Click the photo generates an enlarged view. There are also two symbols:
More pictures on Wikimedia CommonsMore pictures of the object can be found here on Wikimedia Commons .
Upload your own workA link to upload a new image. Certain parameters are already filled in.
Monument / č. ÚZPF: The translation of the name of the monument as used by the Slovak Monuments Office (Pamiatkový úrad Slovenskej republiky) . The original name is given under the question mark. If the translation is missing, the original name is displayed directly. The object identification number (object ID) is also given. It is the official number č , which is unique in Slovakia . ÚZPF including the associated serial number as it is specified in the data of the monument office. Since this is only counted within a district, its number is placed in front of the monument number.
Location: If it is in the list, the address is given. There can be an additional address in brackets, for example if it is a corner house. For free-standing objects without an address ( e.g. shrines ), an address is given that is close to the object. By calling up the link Location , the location of the monument is displayed in various map projects. Below this are the cadastral community (KG) and, if available, the conscription number (Konskr. Nr.) .
Official Description: The short description in Slovak as it is given in the official lists is entered.
Description: Brief information on the monument in German.

Individual evidence

  1. register nehnuteľných NKP from February 8, 2012

Web links

Commons : Listed objects in Kláštor pod Znievom  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files