List of the literary works of Franz Liszt

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The literary works of Franz Liszt , his two books and most of the magazine articles published under his name Franz Liszt were summarized in the following volumes of the collected writings in the 1880s . Liszt's book about Chopin, which was written in collaboration with Princess Wittgenstein in 1850/51, was edited in 1880 by La Mara ( Maria Lipsius ) in a revised version that was translated into German . Lina Ramann has translated the contents of the remaining volumes partly from French into German, and partly compiled them as revised versions of earlier magazine publications. In discussions with Lina Ramann, Liszt took full responsibility for the controversial chapter about the Israelites in his book about the Gypsies and their music in Hungary.

  • Friedrich Chopin . Collected Writings , Volume I.
  • Essays . Collected Writings Volume II, 1.
  • Travel letters from a baccalaureate in music . Collected Writings Volume II, 2.
  • Dramaturgical sheets . Collected Writings Volume III, 1.
  • Richard Wagner . Collected Writings Volume III, 2.
  • From the annals of progress . Collected Writings Volume IV.
  • Critical and polemical forays . Collected Writings Volume V.
  • The gypsies and their music in Hungary . Collected Writings Volume VI.

In addition to the literary works of Liszt in the narrower sense, there is also his translation of the “Musical House and Living Rules” from the second edition of Schumann's Album for the Young (op. 68) into French, which was published in 1859.

See also