List of Kurdish first names

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The formal naming of the Kurds often depends on the state in which the Kurds live. Before the naming law was passed in Turkey in 1934 , the Kurds had the name of their grandfather or another ancestor as a family name, which is still used today almost without exception when Kurdish is spoken. The name is then the word time , indicating German house (family), is attached and at least one ancestor (male and female) called. Any further ancestors can be mentioned to avoid confusion.

  • Eli mala Mohemmed means Ali from the house of Mohammed
  • Eli mala Sore means Ali from Sarah's house
  • Eli mala Mohemmede Sore means Ali from the house of Muhammad by Sarah
or even:
  • Eli mala Mohemmede Rascho Sore means Ali from the house of Mohammed from Raschid from Sarah

Often the surname is also the name of the tribal association ( Aşiret ) or the place of birth.


The Kurds traditionally use the names of the relatives of the Prophet and other saints of Islam as names. In the last few decades, however, more and more purely Kurdish names have been used.

In the course of the assimilation of Kurdish culture in Turkey, many Kurdish names have been adopted into Turkish culture. There it was forbidden to give Kurdish names until the 1990s. Today the law no longer applies, although in individual cases these names are still banned by local authorities for violating Turkish customs and traditions. Many Kurds in Turkey also have Turkish names, which were introduced in large numbers after the founding of the republic.


This is a list of Kurdish first names in use today:

Surname gender meaning
Agit (or egit) Male Hero, fighter
Ako Male
Alan Male Alaner
Alvin Male Flag of love
Aram Male peaceful, calm
Macaws Male River macaws
Ari Male Aryans or noble
Arian Male Aryans or noble
Ariana Female Aryan or noble
Arin Female
Armanc Male target
Asan Male easy, easy
Aso Male horizon
Astera Female Star / star goddess
Avyar Male Water lover
Azad Male free, independent
Baban Male Region in Kurdistan
Baran Male Female rain
Berfîn / Befrîn Female like snow, snowdrop, snowflake
Berîn Female Preferred, Priority, First
Berîtan Female The strong woman
Berivan Female Milkmaid, shepherd girl
Berxwedan Male Resistance, resistance
Besim Male
Borane Male from borani (dove)
Offered Male River Botan
Ciwan Male young
Dawîn / Davîn Male The last
Delal Female beauty
Demhat Male the time has come
Dêrik Male (City on the Tigris River)
Derya Female sea
Dîlan Female my heart / love
Dîlber Female
Dilbixwîn Male blood-filled heart
Dilian Male from my heart
Dîlovan Female merciful, humble, loving
Dogan Male Falcon
Egit (or Agit) Male Hero, fighter
Ellias / Ellyas Male Xidir Ellyas / Ellias, the Kurdish Santa Claus
Elam Female
Elmas Female Diamond, brilliant
Engin Male
Evîn Female love
Firîşte Female Angel
Gaschtear Male joy
Gernas Male hero
Giwar Male
Goran Male Goran (area in Kurdistan )
Hellalle Female A red flower
Hawar Male Alert, help
Helin Female nest
Hêmin / Hemen Male Calm
Heval Male friend
Hêvîdar / Hêvîndar Female Hope bearer
Hogir Male
Hozan Male Singer
Jiro Male the good one
Jiyan Female Male Life
Kanî Female Male Well, source
Kanîwar Male
Karwen Male Work lover
Kawa Male Figure from Iranian mythology
Kawin Female hill
Kenan Male Fearless warrior
Keyro Male King of the sun
Kovan Male
Kriw Male (Godfather for circumcision)
Kurdistan Female Kurdistan
Lorîn Female Lullaby
Mansur Male from the Kurdish tribe Baba Mansur
Mazlum Male calm, humble
Medya Female Medes
Merican Female desired by the man
Mîrhat Male
Mizgîn Female a "good news"
Medeni Male
Moah Male victorious
Mudî Male Female
Nazemîn Female from "Nazdar ser zemîn" darling on earth
Newroz Female Kurdish name for Nouruz
Niştîman Female Nation / Patria
Nurî Male
Parzhin / Perjin Female
Pers Male Name of a mountain in Kurdistan / Perseus
Pervin Female Pleiades
Polla Male The steely / titan
Poshya Female Name of a princess in Kurdish mythology
Qulîxan Female Male
Quto Male
Rebaz Male right direction
Rêbîn Male Pathfinder
Rejin Female Male way of life
Renas Male Female signpost
Rewşen Female
Rizgar Male from rizgarî (liberation)
Roda Female Sunshine or daylight
Raw material Male breaking Dawn
Roj Female Male Sun, day
Rojda Female Sunrise, sun, day
Rojdar Female Male Variant of Roj
Rojhan Male Variant of Roj
Rojhilat Male Orient, east, sunrise
Rojîn Female bright, as bright as day
Rojyar Male Friend of the sun / day
Rokar Male Day workers
Ronahî Female Brightness, light
Ronî Male light
Roza Female breaking Dawn
Skirts Female smiling face, personable
Sabrî Male the patient one
Said Male sheikh
Saman Male Wealthy
Saryal Male Hilltop
Sêber Female shadow
Sedat Male the wall
Sema Female sky
Semra Female
Sergeants Male The black / the evil
Serhat Male Guardian
Serhildan Male Uprising / uprising
Şêrko Male "Lion Mountain", mountain in Iran
Seroxan Male
Şêrwan Male Lion keeper
Seytxan Male construction worker
Sidar Male Shadow tree
Simko Male
Sînemxan Female
Şinêwir Male
Şîlan Female Rose hip, wildflower
Siyabend / Siyamed Male Folk ballad
Sirwan Male Sîrwan River
silo Male
Sileman Male
Siyar Male
Soran Male Principality of Soran
Sozdar Female the slip of the tongue
Şîrîn Female sweet
Şivan Male Shepherd, shepherd
Tolhildan Male avenger
Vejîn Female Resurrection
Welat Male Home / land / grass
Xatar Male danger
Xebat Male
Xecê Female
Xelef Male
Xero Male the lucky guy
Xezal Female
Xwedêda Male Given by God
Yezda Female Who created himself.
Yezdan Male -
Zêdan Male
Zekiya Female Mrs. von Gernas
Zelal Female Sure, pure
Zera Female the blonde
Zerdeşt Male Zarathustra in Kurdish spelling
Zerîn Female the Golden
Zîlan Female strong wind, storm
Zinar Male Abyss, rocks
Zoro Male the strong, the vigorous
Zozan Female
Zûzan Female Male the one who understands quickly

See also


  • Mehmet Sahin, Gülay Cinar: A selection of Kurdish first names. = Desteyek ji navêm Kurdî. Pro Humanitate, Cologne 2000, ISBN 3-933884-03-9 .
  • Ezîz R. Akreyî: Kurdish first names. 3500 girl and boy names. = Navên Kurdî. Navend, Bonn 1997, ISBN 3-00-001249-4 ( Navend series 1).

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