List of abbreviations in amateur radio

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In radio technology in general, and especially in amateur radio , the transmission speed used to be relatively slow due to the Morse code used. It was about sixty letters per minute (60 bpm). In order to be able to transmit more information in a given time, the redundancy present in natural texts was reduced by using suitable abbreviations . Many of these shortcuts are also at the present time, mainly in the exchange of text messages, so the Morse code or when using modern methods such as FT8 (as part of WSJT ) of radio amateurs used in all countries. Most of them apply internationally (see also Q code ). The rare national exceptions, which are only common among German-speaking radio amateurs, can be recognized by the minus sign (-) in the right column:

Abbreviation German English
55 I wish you success -
73 Best wishes best regards
88 Love and kisses Love and kisses
99 Go away -
dept approximately about
ac Alternating current (also hum) alternating current
adr address address
agn Again, again again
at the Morning (ante meridiem) at the
ani, any Anyone, anyone any
ans answer answer
ant antenna antenna
award Amateur radio diploma award
awdh speak to you soon -
awds Goodbye -
bci Radio interference Broadcast interference
bcnu Hope to meet you again be seeing you
bd bad bath
bpm Letters per minute -
btr better better
bug semi-automatic button semi-automatic key
c yes, affirmation (from Spanish "si" ) yes, affirmation
call Call sign, call call-sign, call
cfm confirm confirm
cheerio Hello! Bye! (Greeting) cheerio
cld called called
clg calling, I call calling
col collate collate
conds Propagation conditions conditions
condx DX propagation conditions dx-conditions
cpi record, tape copy
crd Station card, (QSL card) card, verification card
cs Callsign call sign
cuagn We'll meet again see you again
cud could could could
cul we'll meet Again see you later
cw Touch radio, Morse code telegraphy code work
de from (in front of your own call number) from
dr dear, dear dear
dwn down down
dx long distance, long-distance verb long distance
el elements elements
elbug electronic button electronic key
ere here here
it and, & and, &
fb excellent, great fine business
fer For for
fm from from
fone Telephony telephony
fer For for
fm from from
fone Telephony telephony
fr For for
frd friend friend
freq frequency frequency
ga start, start go ahead
ga Good afternoon good afternoon
gb Good luck for the future good bye
gd Good day! good day (not GB)
ge Good evening! good evening
gl good luck all the best good luck
gld pleased glad
gm Good Morning! good Morning
gn Good night! good not
gnd Grounding, earth potential ground
gp Ground plane antenna ground plane antenna
gud Well good
guhor no reception (more) going unable to hear or receive
ham Radio amateur ham
hf High frequency, short wave high frequency
Hi laugh laughing
hpe to hope hope
Mr here here
hrd heard heard
hw? how (will I receive)? how?
hwsat? How do you find that? how is about that?
i I I.
info, info Information Informations information, information
inpt, input Input power input
joke Fun, joke joke
knw knowledge know
kw kilowatt kilowatt
ky Morse key key
lid bad operator "Lousy incompetent dummy"
lis licensed, license licensed, license
log Station, radio diary log book
lsn listen list
ltr letter letter
lsb lower side bench lower sideband
lw Long wire antenna long wire antenna
min, mins Minute, minutes minute, minutes
mm movable sea station maritime mobile
mni many, many many
msg Message, telegram message
mtr Meter, measuring device meter
my my my
n no, negation no, negation
net Radio network net
Nile Nothing nothing
no no (also: number) no (number)
No Near near
No number number
nw now now
if old boy (confidential salutation) old boy
oc old boy (confidential form of address) old chap
OK okay Ok ok
om Radio operator (salutation) old man
only, only just only
op Radio operator, operator operator
ot longtime radio operator, "old man" Antique car
output Output power output
ow female radio operator, radio amateuse old woman
pa Power amplifier power amplifier
pm Afternoon (post meridiem) pm
pse Sorry please
psed pleased pleased
pwr power power
r right, understood “Roger”, right, received
r Decimal point (between numbers) decimal point
rcvd receive received
ref Reference, reference, regarding reference
rf High frequency radio frequency, high frequency
rfi Radio interference radio frequency interference
rig Station equipment, radio rig, station equipment
rprt report report
rpt to repeat repeat
rq question request
rtty Radio telex radio teletype
rx receiver receiver
sae addressed return envelope self addressed envelope
sase franked addressed return .. self addressed and stamped
sigs Signals signals
sk Final identifier (for radio messages);
also: reference to the death of a hams
silent key
sked meeting schedule
sn soon soon
sri Unfortunately sorry
stn station station
sum something, a little some
sure sure, sure sure
swl Shortwave listeners short-goods listener
swr Standing wave ratio standing wave ratio
tcvr Transceiver transceiver
temp temperature temperature
test Attempt (also: contest call) test
tfc Radio traffic traffic
thru by trough
tks thanks, thanks thanks
tmw tomorrow tomorrow
tnx thanks, thanks thanks
cloudy Difficulties, disorders trouble
trx Transceiver transceiver
do thank you Thank you
tx Channel transmitter
u You, you you
ufb quite excellent very fine business
unlis unlicensed "pirate" unlicensed
up upwards up
ur you, yours your
urs yours, your family your's
usb upper sideband upper side band
utc coord. World time (Z-time) universal time coordinated
v “Row” “V”, e.g. B. Hold v
vy very very
w, watts Watt (power rating) watt, watts
wid With with
wkd worked (with ...) worked
wkg I work with...) working
wpm Words per minute words per minute
wtts Watt (power rating) watts
wud would would
wx Weather weather
xcus Sorry, sorry excuse
xmas Christmas Christmas
xmtr Channel transmitter
xtal quartz crystal, quartz crystal
xxx Urgency sign urgency signal
xyl wife ex young lady, wife
yday yesterday yesterday
yl Radio operator (salutation), miss, woman young lady
yr, yrs Year, years year, years
z Zero time (UTC) zero-time, z-time, Zulu-time

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Abbreviations from the ÖVSV - Wiki accessed on June 26, 2019.