Hannes Schmalfuß

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Johannes "Hannes" Schmalfuß (also Kurt Hans Schmalfuß ; born February 3, 1893 in Freiberg ; † 1967 ) was a German writer .


Hannes Schmalfuß completed a commercial apprenticeship after graduating from school. After the outbreak of World War I he volunteered. He rose to lieutenant and earned the Iron Cross first and second class. After the end of the war and his departure from the army, Schmalfuß studied philology at the University of Leipzig . He did his doctorate on Carl Weisflog under Albert Köster and Eduard Sievers . He settled in Schwarzenberg in the Ore Mountains , where he founded a bookstore in 1930. Schmalfuß wrote poetry and short stories and wrote for the feature section . From 1939 he served in the Wehrmacht .

At the end of the Second World War , Schmalfuss became an American prisoner of war, but was able to return to his family in June 1945. In July and August 1945 he was arrested by the Soviet secret service NKVD . He was arrested by the authorities in the zone of occupation from May to July 1947 and then again from February to June 1948.

Over time, however, Schmalfuss was able to gain a foothold in the cultural scene in the GDR and was ultimately active in the Kulturbund and the German Peace Council . He was also a member of the district committee of the National Front and a research fellow for radio and television .


As an author
  • Field flowers , 1918
  • The Colorful Ostrich , 1921
  • Carl Weisflog. A biographical attempt , dissertation, 1922 ( DNB 365072281 )
  • Sounds of being in major and minor , 1922
  • To be human ... , 1929
  • Harvest , anthology, 1933
  • From the side streets of life , collected prose, 1933
  • Der Deutsche , Weihespiel, 1934
  • Schwarzenberg in the Ore Mountains , 1934
As editor or co-editor


  • Yearbook of the Philosophical Faculty in Leipzig for the year 1920–1923 , half-year volume, University of Leipzig, Philosophical Faculty, Thomas & Humbert, 1922.
  • Kürschner's German Literature Calendar : 1943 .
  • Lenore Lobeck: “Johannes Schmalfuß (1893–1967)”, in: Official Journal of the Municipality of Breitenbrunn , 2015, 14, pp. 15–16.