Lodongiin Tüdew

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Lodongiin Tüdew (2017)

Lodongiin Tüdew ( Mongolian Лодонгийн Түдэв ; born February 9, 1935 , † April 2020 ) was a Mongolian writer .


Tüdew was born in 1935 into a family of cattle keepers. He studied from 1952 to 1956 at the Pedagogical University in Ulan Bator and then worked as a teacher. Since 1959 he has been writing for the press, becoming editor of the newspaper “Kunst und Literatur” and literary and chief editor of the newspaper “Ünen”. In 1967 he received his doctorate in social sciences in Moscow .

In the Mongolian People's Republic , Tüdew was one of the most famous public figures. He was active in high political positions, such as chairman of the Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee and the Interparliamentary Group of Parliament, as deputy chairman of the Writers 'Union (1967-1973), as 1st secretary of the youth association (1973-1985), as chairman of the journalists' association and of 1988 to 1990 as President of the Cultural Fund of the Mongolian People's Republic. In the Mongolian "Wende" he belonged to the reform wing of the Mongolian Revolutionary People's Party , as its presidential candidate in 1993 he was defeated by the previous incumbent Punsalmaagiin Otschirbat . Then Tüdew withdrew from active politics and founded his own newspaper, which deals with historical, cultural, artistic and religious topics. He was the editor of the most extensive book project in Mongolia, a 108-volume anthology of Mongolian literature .


Tüdew was one of the most famous and prolific Mongolian storytellers. He made his debut in the 1950s with poems and children's books, which were followed by others (including "Das Wasser des Lebens", 1969). The self-contained volume of episodes “Acquaintance with the World” (1970, German 1982) draws on the author's childhood experiences and is aimed at both young and adult readers. Tüdew wrote humorous and ironic stories such as "Vieh ist Vieh" (1968, German 1976), and also in anthologies such as "Menschen vom Lande" (1969), "The second start of the hero" (1976) and "Zeitgenossen" (1980 ) he took up contemporary issues in often sketchy form with psychological sensitivity and subtle humor. He also appeared as a poet and literary theorist with monographs such as “The Classics of World Literature in Mongolia” (1971) and “National and General Features of Mongolian Literature” (1975).

Tüdew achieved importance primarily as a novelist. In “Flood from the Mountains” (1960), based on the trilogy “Dawn” by Bjambyn Rintschen and next to “Troubled Times” by Donrowyn Namdag, one of the first novels in modern Mongolian literature, he described the contradicting development of an initially passive cattle herder into a conscious one acting people. The two-volume novel “Weidewechsel” (1964/71) is indirectly a thematic continuation of his first novel. The novel “The First Year of the Republic” (1981) leads back to the time after the revolution of 1921, like the documentary story “The Polar Star shows the way” (1968). In the strongly episodic, chronicle-like novel "Der Tempel ohne Dach" (1985), Tüdew traced the checkered history of a lama at the beginning of the 20th century, based on rich historical and ethnographic material. Finally, the novel “Evidence of the Revolution” (1988) narrates the ideals of a revolutionary who fell victim to Stalinist reprisals in the 1940s, using a documentary documented individual fate.

The aesthetic effect of Tüdew's novels in particular is based on an original synthesis of traditions of old Mongolian storytelling and new forms, poetic descriptions of nature and sensitive language rich in nuances.


  • in: Explorations. 20 Mongolian stories, (East) Berlin 1976
  • L. Tüdew, Acquaintance with the World, (East) Berlin 1982 (translated by Galsan Tschinag)


  • in: Klaus Oehmichen, Ten Mongolian Poets, Mongolian Notes, issue 17/2008

Individual evidence

  1. Ардын уран зохиолч Л.Түдэв тэнгэрийн орноо заларчээ (Mongolian)