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The Logical ( engl. " Logically ") or German logic puzzles is a logic puzzles genus whose puzzle by deduction , one form of the logical reasoning are dissolved. Your information consists of a description in which groups with the same number of elements are given, as well as a series of notes that contain, directly or indirectly, statements about which elements are connected to one another and which are not. The task of the puzzle is to assign exactly one element of each other group to each element of a group without contradiction. The solution to the riddle can be presented in a table in which the related elements are listed in rows or columns. Logicals can be systematically solved with solution schemes in which elements that belong together can be identified logically and graphically by ticking off.



Andreas, Brunhilde, Cornelia and Daniel eat your favorite dish today; Everyone likes a different dish: there is a choice of potato soup, labskaus, Maultaschen and noodle casserole; Who prefers which food?


  1. Brunhilde doesn't like pasta casseroles and Cornelia hates Maultaschen
  2. Andreas has a weakness for Labskaus.
  3. The first letters of Cornelia and Daniel's favorite dishes follow one another in the alphabet

Solution scheme:

X = belongs together, - = does not belong together

1. Note:

Andreas Brunhilde Cornelia Daniel
Potato soup
Maultaschen -
Pasta casserole -

2. Note: Since Andreas eats Labskaus and each favorite dish is only assigned to one person, the "Labskaus" option is not available for the other people:

Andreas Brunhilde Cornelia Daniel
Potato soup -
Labskaus X - - -
Maultaschen - -
Pasta casserole - -

3. Note: Since the first letters of the favorite dishes of Cornelia and Daniel are together in the alphabet, none of you can prefer potato soup (K), because (L) Labskaus has already been given to Andreas.

Andreas Brunhilde Cornelia Daniel
Potato soup - - -
Labskaus X - - -
Maultaschen - -
Pasta casserole - -

This leaves Cornelia with only pasta casserole and for Brunhilde only potato soup as her favorite dish;

Andreas Brunhilde Cornelia Daniel
Potato soup - X - -
Labskaus X - - -
Maultaschen - - -
Pasta casserole - - X -

Solution: All that remains for Daniel is Maultaschen:

Andreas Brunhilde Cornelia Daniel
Potato soup - X - -
Labskaus X - - -
Maultaschen - - - X
Pasta casserole - - X -

See also

Web links

Wiktionary: Logical  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
  • A logic generator to print out brain-stuff.de
  • Logical - interactive input and control of logicals at raetselstunde.de
  • Logic Solver - create online help tables for logic puzzles (type "Logic grid") and solve puzzles; Offline version available for download (Johannes Singler, private website)