Loka Purusha

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Loka-Purusha ( Sanskrit : world-man ) means in Jainism the world structure as a three-world (Tribhuvana) in man.

Loka-Purusha is usually depicted as a woman with a wide robe. The lower body represents the underworld, the hip area represents the earth world and the upper body represents the heavenly world.

The underworld

The seven regions of the underworld consist of many floors with 8.4 million individual hells that are inhabited by demonic beings and gods ( Bhavanavasin ).

The 7 regions of the underworld

  1. Ratnarprabha , the gem-colored one
  2. Sharkaraprabha , the pebble- colored
  3. Valukaprabha , the sand- colored one
  4. Pankaprabha , the mud- colored
  5. Dhumaprabha , the smoky one
  6. Tamahprabha , the dark colored one
  7. Mahatmaprabha , the great darkness

The earth world

The earthly world consists of a round disc in the middle of which Jambudvipa is surrounded by oceans and continents. People, plants, animals and gods ( Jyotisha , Vyantara ) live here.

The heavenly world

The celestial world consists of eight regions lying one above the other with 12 or 18 celestial spheres. Only gods live here ( Kalpabhava , Vaimanika ). Ishatprabhara ( the slightly inclined one ) is at the top , only the perfect live here.

Regions of the heavenly world

  1. Saudharma (south), Aishana (north)
  2. Sanatkumara (south), Mahendra (north)
  3. Brahmaloka
  4. Lantaka
  5. Shukra
  6. Sahasrara
  7. Ananta (south), Pranata (north)
  8. Arana (south), Achyuta (north)
  9. Graiveyaka
  10. Anuttara (unpapatika)
  11. Ishatprabhara (the slightly sloping) abode of the perfect
