Local (topology)

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In mathematical topology , one says that a property of topological spaces applies locally to a topological space  if, for each choice of a point  in a surrounding basis of , the elements have the property.

A property of topological spaces is called local if it corresponds to the associated local property.


Local properties:

Often the local property is weaker than the original:

Sometimes the local property is stronger than the original:

In general, the local property is neither stronger nor weaker:

  • The ridge is path-connected , but not locally connected , the discretely topologized two-element space is locally connected , but not path-connected .
  • A system of subsets of a topological space is called locally finite if every point has a neighborhood that only touches a finite number of the subsets.
  • A topological space can be locally metrizable if every point has a metrizable neighborhood.

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