Lombard Street

The Lombard Street in San Francisco in the State of California , some of the US Highway 101 runs, is tributary to the Golden Gate Bridge and one of the main thoroughfares of the city. Became famous Lombard Street, however, as the crookedest street in the world ( crookedest street ).
Lombard Street runs across San Francisco from Presidio to Telegraph Hill . The winding part of the street sits on Russian Hill and is just one block between Hyde Street and Leavenworth Street. At this point it was one of the steepest streets in the city with a gradient of 27 percent, which was problematic for many cars and pedestrians. Therefore, it was in 1922 serpentine shape as a one-way street rebuilt (downhill leader). Filbert Street , which is only two blocks away , even has a gradient of 31.5 percent, but has not been defused and has been used as a "ski jump" in numerous films (including Bullitt ).
The paved road now consists of eight curves over a distance of 145 meters, if you count the curves at the beginning and end, even ten. It is not certain whether it deserves the title of the most winding road in the world . Vermont Street in the less touristically important district of Potrero Hill has five curves at a distance of 85 meters.
The attractively designed street section is one of the most popular photo motifs in the city and is mainly used by tourists who want to drive through the " slalom course ". A staircase runs to the side for pedestrians.
In pop culture
In the Herbie film A Great Beetle , Herbie drove down the street very quickly. No other cars were on the track at the same time. The chase in the movie Is' What Doc? also led through this street.
The road and the difficulty of navigating it have been parodied in both the Bill Cosby Sketch Driving in San Francisco and the game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas . In the fictional city of San Fierro, based on San Francisco, it is called Windy Windy Windy Windy Street .
Also in video games like Midtown Madness 2 and The Fast and the Furious , there are stretches where the players on the Lombard Street jumps. The street is also a playable location in Tony Hawk's Skateboarding . In the open world racing game The Crew there is an unlockable sight as well as an achievement for driving the road in less than 26 seconds. Lombard Street is also simulated in the “Bus & Cable Car Simulator” that is set in San Francisco. There it is possible to cross the street by bus, car or on foot.
Web links
- Lombard Street at A View On Cities (English)
Coordinates: 37 ° 48 ′ 7.4 " N , 122 ° 25 ′ 7.9" W.