Los Voraces 2019

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Los Voraces 2019 is the title of a detective novel by Andrew Soltis , who in chess milieu plays.


The first-person narrator is the referee of a chess tournament that will take place in 2019 in the remote village of Los Voraces , New Mexico, which will bring together the world's fourteen best players. With the trick of moving the plot almost 20 years into the future, the author can use fictional names, but takes up character traits of real players in the person descriptions. The condition for the invitation is that all participants arrive unaccompanied and have to do without any communication devices. One of them is killed before the tournament starts, and more deaths occur as the tournament progresses. Given the $ 20 million prize fund made available by a recently deceased patron, all participants would have a motive to get rid of as many competitors as possible. The referee tries to solve the series of murders, but comes under suspicion himself.

In contrast to many other fiction works with a chess theme , the course of a chess tournament is described in detail and knowledgeably. The author, himself a chess grandmaster , works more than 50 annotated games into the text, some of them from his own practice.


The book has been described by reviewers as a combination of a satire on the chess world and a classic Whodunit in the tradition of Agatha Christie . Even if the author does not come close to their literary quality, the work is an "amusing mixture of chess satire, detective novel and tournament book."


The novel was originally published monthly on the Chesscafe.com website starting September 2001 . In 2004 it was published as a book by McFarland & Company with illustrations by Linda Campbell Franklin ( ISBN 0-7864-1637-8 ).

Individual evidence

  1. Span. Los Voraces = the hungry, greedy, gluttonous, insatiable
  2. Harold Dondis, Patrick Wolff: Chess satire is wrapped in an engaging mystery. Boston Globe, December 19, 2011
  3. Johannes Fischer: Agatha Christie at the chess tournament: Andy Soltis' chess novel "Los Voraces 2019". July 16, 2015