Lothar J. Riedl

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Lothar Josef Riedl (born April 26, 1964 in Wals-Siezenheim ) is an Austrian television producer .


After studying political science, journalism and communication science with a focus on film at the University of Salzburg and training at ORF , the New York Film Academy (New York City) and the Hollywood Acting Workshop (Los Angeles), he initially worked as a department head at Bavaria Film Gruppe (Munich), as head of the EuroPrix team at Salzburg Research GmbH (Salzburg), before building the studio for the TV station Jedermann TV and taking over the management of the technical staff and the online editing. TV productions for arte , ATV (TV station) , BBC , Bayerischer Rundfunk , NDR , ORF and Servus TV followed.

Riedl has been teaching at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences since 2016 . Since 2017 he has been a sworn and court-certified expert for the fields of television, film, cinema, video. He is a member of the Austrian Directors Association (ADA). In 2012 Riedl received the Lifelong Learning Award.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Salzburg economy from January 31, 2020
  2. ADA , Lothar J. Riedl - career
  3. St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
  4. ↑ List of court experts , Mag. Lothar Riedl
  5. ^ ADA , Lothar J. Riedl
  6. ^ Ruth Cohn Institute , Lifelong Learning Award