Lorraine step country

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The Lorraine stepland is a layered landscape that borders the Wasgenwald and the Palatinate Forest in the east. To the west the landscape slowly descends towards the Paris Basin . The plateau (approx. 200 to approx. 400 m high) is wavy and fertile. The shell limestone level passes from the Saar Palatinate to Lorraine , surrounds the red sandstone area near Forbach and then moves far to the east.

The large central part consists of clayey keuper and lias .

The drainage of this area takes place north to the Saar , Mosel and Nied . To the west of the Moselle rises the strata of the middle Jura. The stepland belongs to Luxembourg in the north, France ( Grand Est region ) and Germany (Saarland, Rhineland-Palatinate) in the south .