Lotta Continua

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Lotta continua demonstration in 1973

Lotta Continua (Eng. 'Permanent Struggle') was an extra-parliamentary group of the left in Italy . It was created in connection with the student movement in autumn 1969.

The movement had its place of origin in Turin , where students and workers in the Fiat factories developed an increasingly radical and sometimes militant concept of politics following the student movement. From November 1969 there was a weekly newspaper, which was also called Lotta continua .

Well-known members of the group were Adriano Sofri , Guido Viale , Marco Revelli , Alexander Langer , Gad Lerner , Erri De Luca , Giorgio Pietrostefani , Ovidio Bompressi , Paolo Brogi , Marco Boato and Massimo Carlotto . At the end of the 1970s, the group broke up again; many members changed their previous political attitudes in favor of a moderate, pragmatic understanding of politics and switched to established parties.


  • Antonio Lenzi: The emergence of the Italian revolutionary left: the example of "Il Manifesto" and "Lotta Continua". Work - movement - history. Journal for Historical Studies , Issue I / 2016; ISBN 978-3-86331-281-7 .
  • Adriano Sofri, Luciano Della Mea: On the strategy and organization of "Lotta continua" . Berlin, Merve 1971.
  • Luigi Bobbio: Storia di Lotta continua. Milan, Feltrinelli 1988.
  • Aldo Cazzullo : I ragazzi che volevano fare la rivoluzione. 1968-1978: Storia critica di Lotta continua. 1998. Milan, Sperling & Kupfer (2006).
  • Davide Degli Incerti (ed.): La sinistra rivoluzionaria in Italia. Documenti e interventi delle tre principali organizzazioni: Avanguardia operaia, Lotta continua, PdUP. Rome, Savelli 1976.
  • Leonardo Marino: La verità di piombo. Io, Sofri e gli altri. Milan, Ares 1992.
  • Elena Petricola: I diritti degli esclusi nelle lotte degli anni Settanta: Lotta continua. Rome, Edizioni Associate 2002.
  • Sergio Sinigaglia: Di lunga durata. Ancona, Affinità elettive 2002.
  • Adriano Sofri: Memoria . Palermo, Sellerio editore 1990.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lotta continua: Weekly magazine "Lotta Continua". November 20, 2017, accessed November 20, 2017 (Italian).

Web links

Commons : Lotta Continua  - collection of images, videos and audio files