Lottery ducat

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The lottery ducat , also known as lottery ducats , was a gold commemorative coin with a ducat size of around 3.49 grams .

It was issued by Elector Karl Theodor (1743–1799) in 1767 in Mannheim . The minting or issue year is not on the Palatinate-Electoral coin. The occasion of the issue was the memory of the establishment of the Mannheim Lottery (number lottery). The circulation is said to have been around 1000 pieces that were used for small profits. The meltdown followed quite soon and this led to a rarity.

The front of the coin shows the bust of the Elector with a braid looking to the right and on the reverse Fortuna , the undressed goddess of luck, holding a billowing sail over her and standing on the globe . Circumferential writing on the obverse : Car. Theodor DGCPRSRIAT and under the portrait: Hoc Auspice . In the lapel under the Fortuna is: Hac Favente and as the legend Industriae Sors .


  • Carl Christoph Schmieder: Concise dictionary of the entire coin industry: For coin lovers and business people. Bookstores of the Halle Orphanage, Halle / Berlin 1811, p. 280.

Individual evidence

  1. JL Spyri: Swiss journal for non-profit: Organ of the Swiss non-profit society. Volume 2, Volume 2, Gebrüder Gull, Zurich 1863, p. 201.