Louise Otto Peters Prize

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The Louise Otto Peters Prize is a prize from the City of Leipzig that has been awarded annually since 2015 to people and organizations that are particularly committed to promoting equality between women and men. The award was named after the socially critical writer and women's rights activist Louise Otto-Peters .


The award serves to honor organizations and individuals who are particularly committed to promoting equality between women and men. The award takes place annually, always alternating between individuals and organizations, and takes place in October of the respective year. This is a reminder of the founding of the General German Women's Association . Louise Otto-Peters was its co-founder.

The prize is endowed with 5000 euros. The potential award winners can be proposed using an application form. From the mass of applications, a jury made up of the city councilors of the city of Leipzig, the members of the advisory board for equality, the equal opportunities officer of the city of Leipzig and the head of the protocol department selects.

The prize was first awarded in 2015 to the Equal Opportunities Office of the Medical Faculty of Leipzig University Hospital . In 2016, long-time women's rights activist Heide Steer followed as the first person. The award ceremony will take place in the plenary hall of the New Town Hall.

Award winners

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Announcement for the Louise Otto Peters Prize 2018. City of Leipzig, accessed on October 12, 2018 .
  2. ^ Louise Otto Peters Prize for Heide Steer, Terre des Femmes active. In: Frauenrechte.de . Retrieved October 12, 2018 .
  3. The City of Leipzig's Louise Otto Peters Prize is awarded. In: Focus . October 13, 2017, accessed October 12, 2018 .
  4. ^ Louise Otto Peters Prize Leipzig goes to rapper Sookee. In: RTL.de . October 10, 2018, accessed October 12, 2018 .