from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Regions of the ITU :
  • Region 1
  • Region 2
  • Region 3
  • LowFER (Low Frequency Experimental Radio) is a radio application of the amateur radio service on long wave . Due to the very low permitted power of 1 watt ERP, applications in this area usually have an exclusively technical-experimental character. Regular amateur radio traffic does not take place in Europe.

    In the ITU region 1

    In the 2.2 kilometer band , the frequency range 135.7 to 137.8 kHz is available as an amateur band for amateur radio. The maximum transmission power is 1 W ERP and the frequency allocation on a secondary basis does not allow any interference to the primary users (marine and land radio).

    Assignment to radio services according to VO radio
    Germany Users comment
    Frequency ranges kHz
    16 ...
    17th 130-148 5 FIXED RADIO
    radio service D67A
    civil, mil civil - civil users
    mil - military users
    Footnotes: D64
    2 4 5
    18th ...

    In the ITU region 2

    In the USA and Canada , transmitters for voice, telegraphy and data transmission in the frequency range between 160 kHz and 190 kHz may be operated without a license , provided the power emitted by the antenna does not exceed 1 watt and no antenna longer than 10 meters is used .

    Since this frequency range is occupied by very powerful radio transmitters in ITU region 1 ( long-wave radio ), traffic with American LowFER transmitters is only possible there to a very limited extent. Both the fixed radio service (entry 17001 in the frequency usage plan) and the mobile maritime radio service (entry 17001 in the frequency usage plan) are provided in this frequency range.

    Web links

    Individual evidence

    1. Federal Network Agency : Frequency Usage Plan . April 4, 2016. Retrieved August 28, 2016 .
    2. Uppercase : primary assignment