Lucius Mallius

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Lucius Mallius was a Roman painter who lived in the late 3rd and early 2nd centuries BC. Was active in Rome .

He is only known through an anecdote handed down by the late antique philosopher and grammarian Macrobius . According to the anecdote, at a meal together , Servilius Geminus dropped the mocking remark that he understood painting better than sculpture (“Non similiter, Malli, fingis et pingis”). Mallius is said to have replied that he also made his pictures in daylight, in contrast to his son, who was made during the night ("In tenebris enim fingo luce pingo").

It is assumed that Lucius Mallius, like the painter Gaius Fabius Pictor, was of noble class, but that he was honored in contrast to the latter and was considered one of the best painters of his time.



  1. Macrobius, Saturnalia 2, 2, 10.
  2. Cf. Georg Lippold: Mallius 17 . In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classical antiquity .