Georg Lippold

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Georg Lippold (born February 21, 1885 in Mainz , † July 23, 1954 in Erlangen ) was a German classical archaeologist .

Life and accomplishments

Lippold was born as the son of the Higher Regional Court President Adolf Lippold and his wife Nelly Arnoldi. He studied from 1903 to 1907 at the University of Munich and in the meantime also briefly at the Berlin University Classical Archeology, Classical Philology and Ancient History . Lippold was one of Adolf Furtwängler's last students who left a lasting mark on him. With him he received his doctorate in the summer semester of 1907 with the dissertation on the shield forms of the elderly . While still a student, he made friends with the private scholar Paul Arndt , who was able to win him over to his collection of Corpus statuarum . The friendship would last until Arndt's death. After receiving his doctorate in 1908, he worked as a volunteer at the Roman-Germanic Central Museum in Mainz. For the year 1909/10 he received the travel grant from the German Archaeological Institute . With Margarete Bieber and Gerhart Rodenwaldt , two other archaeologists of lasting importance received a travel grant this year, with which the Mediterranean region could be visited. After his return, Lippold worked from 1910 to 1911 as a volunteer at the antique collection of the Martin von Wagner Museum in Würzburg . With the much acclaimed work Greek portrait statues , he completed his habilitation in Munich in 1912 and then taught there as a private lecturer . With the beginning of the First World War , Lippold was also conscripted, due to his poor health he was temporarily deferred from military service. In the winter semester of 1920/21 he was appointed to the extraordinary professorship at the University of Erlangen , where he was full professor of archeology from 1925 until his retirement in 1953, succeeding Ernst Buschor .

The generally educated Lippold was considered to be one of the best connoisseurs of ancient sculpture and portraits, as well as great painting, as well as glyptics of both antiquity and modern times of his generation. In addition, he also dealt with mosaics, ceramics and, at times, with Roman provincial art . His main work is the manual Greek sculpture , which was published in 1950 as part of the manual of archeology . It is still considered the best handbook on ancient sculpture to this day, even if later researchers set different accents. In the field of glyptics, his processing of the Arndt's private collection, gems and cameos of antiquity and modern times , broke new ground, especially with regard to illustration. As early as 1923 he presented for the first time a comprehensive account of the transmission history of Greek sculpture in his work Copies and Transformations of Greek Statues . In the same year it was awarded the Zographos Prize of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and was for a long time a standard work on copy criticism . In 1936 he continued Walter Amelung's catalog of sculptures in the Vatican Museums , another volume of the exemplary treatment appeared in 1956. In both volumes he presented more than 1,000 marble sculptures based on his own research. After his friend Arndt died in 1937, he was his successor until 1947 as editor of the series of works by Brunn-Bruckmann's Monuments of Greek and Roman Sculpture , Arndt-Bruckmann's Greek and Roman Portraits and Arndt and Amelung's individual photographs of ancient sculptures . In addition to various other writings, Lippold wrote many articles about sculptors and painters in Paulys Realencyclopadie der classical antiquity and the Thieme-Becker . With the support of Arndt, Lippold further developed the methods of his teacher Furtwängler and achieved trend-setting results.

Since 1933 Lippold rejected the National Socialist rule in Germany. He was a member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and the German Archaeological Institute.

His son was the ancient historian Adolf Lippold .

Fonts (selection)

  • To the shield forms of the ancients . Dissertation, Munich 1907.
  • Greek portrait statues. Munich 1912.
  • Copies and transformations of Greek statues. Munich 1923.
  • Greek sculpture (= handbook of archeology. Vol. 3). Munich 1950.


Web links

Single receipts

  1. see Reinhard Lullies: Georg Lippold 1885–1954. In: Reinhard Lullies, Wolfgang Schiering (editor): Archaeological portraits. Portraits and short biographies of classical archaeologists in the German language. Zabern, Mainz 1988, ISBN 3-8053-0971-6 , p. 229. However, this does not contain any evidence for the statement.