Air lift filter

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The air lift filter is a widely used filter in smaller aquariums. It works on the principle of the mammoth pump and consists of a foam cartridge, a riser pipe open at the bottom with a water outlet and a hose line reaching into the lower opening of the riser pipe, as well as an electrically operated oscillating armature pump that is mainly used . When the air supply is switched on, air bubbles emerge directly at the foam cartridge and tear the water upwards in the ascending pipe when the air bubbles rise towards the outlet opening. This will filter the water through the foam cartridge as it is the only way to get water into the riser.


Air lift filters should filter the water mechanically and / or biologically. Mechanical filtering is used to filter out impurities such as suspended particles and food residues from the water.

The biological filtering has the task of breaking down pollutants such as nitrite , nitrate and the like in the aquarium using microorganisms . Over time, microorganisms develop in a biological filter. Using certain preparations from the specialist trade, microorganisms can be added directly to the water and thus accelerate the formation and multiplication of the microorganisms.


This type of filter is often used by aquarists for breeding tanks or for keeping invertebrates . Due to the fine structure of the foam cartridge, the offspring cannot get into the filter circuit and are therefore better protected and have a better chance of survival.