Luigi Agnesi

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Luigi Agnesi

Luigi Agnesi , actually Louis Ferdinand Léopold Agniez , (born July 17, 1833 in Erpent , Namur , † February 2, 1875 in London ) was a Belgian opera singer with a bass voice, conductor and composer.

life and work

Agnesi first studied music at the Brussels Conservatory. He then worked as Kapellmeister at the St. Catherine's Church in Brussels and as an association conductor in Brussels. After the unsuccessful performance of his opera Harmold le Normand in 1858, he initially gave up his career as a composer. Agnesi then took up singing studies with Gilbert Duprez in Paris . He then settled in London, where he entered into various artistic engagements. He made a name for himself there mainly as a Handel singer. In his later years he composed songs and motets again.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Riemann Musiklexikon, 1959.