Luis Arroyo (actor)

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Luis Rodríguez Arroyo (born November 19, 1915 in Madrid , † November 4, 1956 there ) was a Spanish actor and director .

Arroyo took a liking to classical Spanish theater early on; so he (like his sister Ana Mariscal ) belonged to an amateur troupe when he was at school. After the Spanish Civil War, he quickly received offers from the film industry because of his good looks.

In 1940 he made his first film, El último husar , which was followed by several using recent political events as a backdrop, including a. Raza based on a script by Generalissimo Franco . Mostly, however, he played in light comedies and romances, which Arroyo was not satisfied, so that in 1946 he produced his first own film with Dulcinea . After financial setbacks (a second film was not a success either) he returned to film as an actor. Only in the year of his death, 1956, did he make another short film under his own direction.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1942: race
  • 1953: Wild, beautiful Bella
  • 1955: as long as you live

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