Lukas - four years of hell and back

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"Lukas - Four Years of Hell and Back!" Is a book from 1995, which describes the allegedly authentic experiences of a young person in a circle of organized Satanists or devil worshipers .


The book tells from the point of view of the protagonist , called “Lukas” in the book, whose experiences as a member of one of the “most powerful Satan's sects in Germany” according to the blurb, which he involuntarily got into at the age of 15 and which he did not leave until four years later succeeded.

The narrator describes numerous atrocities committed by members of the community. In addition to excessive orgies , disgusting and criminal tests of courage, brainwashing and massive physical violence against the members themselves, this includes countless " human sacrifices " - the ceremonial murders of mostly homeless people, but often also "virgins" and newborn infants of female members. The group of Satanists is represented as an internationally organized network of smaller cells, which in Germany alone has around 250 members, some of whom are very influential ("police officers, lawyers, politicians, [...]").

Twice "Lukas" is sent to Fort Lauderdale in the USA for a few weeks for training courses , where the group's headquarters are apparently and where people are murdered almost every day - mostly young women who are approached by members of the group on the beach. With the help of corpses, “Lukas” also learns the ritual killing of people there. When "Lukas", back in Germany, applied the knowledge he had recently acquired and was supposed to kill a person in the course of a " black mass ", he dared to leave. He succeeds, but now "Lukas" himself is on the group's death list.

Preface and epilogue

The foreword to the book was written by Jürgen Hauskeller, at that time pastor of the Protestant parish in Sondershausen , where the members of the " Nazi Black Metal " band " Absurd " murdered a classmate in April 1993, what the press called " Satansmord von Sondershausen " was designated. Hauskeller here, among other things, indirectly creates parallels between that “Satan's murder” and the events described in the book, although objectively the murder had nothing to do with organized Satanism.

In the afterword, “Marlies”, supposedly a sect expert and “Lukas'” supervisor after he left, speaks about her experiences with “Lukas” during his two-year therapy.

Authenticity / problem

The book pretends to document real events as an authentic dropout report in which only place and person names have been changed.

The narrator, "Lukas", however, quickly becomes entangled in contradictions and falls into errors that a person with an insight into the satanic tradition would hardly have made, certainly not for a Satanist who has practiced himself for years. "Lukas'" depictions of the community and its ceremonial do not usually coincide with the actual satanic tradition, but rather seem to come from motifs of negligently researched horror films as well as the common urban legends of devil worshipers who offer human sacrifices. In addition, events are described that are in fact highly improbable or entirely impracticable. For example, "Lukas" writes that raw animal hearts were consumed by members of the community in the course of animal sacrifices - but this is impossible for human teeth.

Numerous events described in the book - from communal disturbances of Holy Masses to countless ritual murders by the US American section - should have left their mark and at least attracted the attention of the local press; however, this is clearly not the case.

In general, “Lukas'” descriptions of the community, its structures and methods do not appear plausible on closer inspection and in particular with knowledge of the much more subtle methods of actually existing sects and are generally considered fictitious among sect researchers. According to sect researchers, this is problematic in particular because of the book's status as a standard work in research on Satanism and because of its claim to seriousness due to its alleged authenticity - and despite the lively use of stylistic devices in tension literature.

Critics accuse the authors or consequently on the one before, stereotypes reproduce and strengthen widespread prejudices, but also, on the other hand the champagne educating the community through the unrealistic portrayal of a disservice to prove. Actually existing criminal satanist organizations would therefore be easy to prove to have nothing in common with the primitive thugs described in the book, but to be "reasonable" and thus "harmless" Satanists. The criticism of satanist organizations could be dismissed as generally dubious on the basis of the incorrect descriptions of "Lukas". 


  1. "Luke": Four years of hell and back. Bastei-Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach 1995, ISBN 3-404-61339-2 , blurb
  2. ibid, p. 147
  3. ibid., P. 26 and a.
  4. cf. "The book: 'Luke - Four Years of Hell and Back' between Satanism and Wahntraum"
  5. cf. "Reports from Occult Organizations: Fantasy or Reality?"


  • "Lukas": Four years of hell and back. Bastei-Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach 1995, ISBN 3-404-61339-2