Luke Somers

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Luke Daniel Somers (* 1980 or 1981 in Great Britain ; † December 6, 2014 in Yemen ) was a British -American photojournalist .


Luke Somers was a native of Great Britain and had both British and US citizenship . He graduated from Beloit College in Wisconsin and graduated with a BA in 2008 . He worked as a photo journalist for the BBC and Al Jazeera, among others . In September 2013 he was kidnapped by fighters from the al-Qaida group in Yemen in the Yemeni capital Sanaa .

Liberation Action

The New York Times reported on the rescue operation on December 6, 2014 that al-Qaida fighters shot and seriously injured Somers during the operation. He was flown to the USS Makin Island (LHD-8, a ship of the US Marine Corps) and died during the transport. The second hostage, the South African teacher Pierre Korkie, also died. The action is said to have involved fighting and Yemeni tribal leaders said helicopters were used.

President Barack Obama condemned Somer's death as barbaric. He justified the rescue operation and stressed that he had to act quickly.

Individual evidence

  1. Lizzie Dearden: Luke Somers killed: Barack Obama condemns the 'barbaric murder' of British-born photojournalist by al-Qaeda. In: The Independent of December 6, 2014 (accessed December 17, 2014).
  2. US transit failed attempt to rescue American in Yemen , December 4, 2014,
  3. 2 Hostages Killed in Yemen as US Rescue Effort Fails , December 6, 2014, New York Times