Luxembourg School of Religion & Society

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Luxembourg School of Religion & Society
place Luxembourg
management Jean Ehret

The Luxembourg School of Religion & Society (LSRS) is an educational and research institute in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg that focuses on the relationship between religion and society as a complex and transformative process of dialogue and mutual enrichment.


The LSRS is committed to meeting and communication between different religious communities, world views, spiritualities and society as a whole. In order to achieve this goal, she offers critical and constructive reflections as well as practical orientations. With the help of its interdisciplinary approach, the LSRS wants to be an actor in the cohesion of societies at national and European level. Based on Christian traditions, the LSRS advocates diversity and wants to promote dialogue, innovation and respect.


The LSRS was founded in 2015 following the reorganization of the entire education and research area in the Archdiocese of Luxembourg . It is sponsored by the Catholic Church. On July 1, 2018, the LSRS signed an agreement with the Luxembourg Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR). a. regulates the financial participation of the state. The researchers and teachers at LSRS work regularly with their colleagues from the University of Luxembourg .

The LSRS also expanded its relationships at the international level. It has agreements with the Trier Theological Faculty (2017), the Institut universitaire d'Études juives Elie Wiesel in Paris (2018), the Department of Excellence for Philosophy and Education at the University of Turin (2019) and the University of Tübingen (2019) ) signed.


The activities of the LSRS can be divided into two areas: research and education. The research work of the institute is anchored in an interdisciplinary manner. Catholic and Protestant theologians, philosophers, literary scholars and sociologists of religion are currently working on projects dealing with topics such as health ethics, (religious) fashion, the morphology of thought, cognitive literary studies or even religious change in society in Luxembourg.

Your qualitative educational offers are primarily located in the academic field. The courses, which are also open to the public, are led by professors and employees of the LSRS or by visiting professors. Like the research, the educational branch of the LSRS is also inscribed in its basic dialogue structure. The topics range from Islam in Europe, Protestant and Catholic theology to the history of religion. In addition, the LSRS regularly offers conferences and meetings on topics, some of which are aimed at the general public and some at an academic audience.


The academic team at LSRS is characterized by its diversity. Its members are of different national (D, F, B, I, CA, RO, NL, L) and denominational origins and belong to various disciplines ( theology , religious studies , philosophy , literary studies , history, sociology ).

The LSRS regularly invites visiting professors to join it. Mouez Khalfaoui , Professor of Islamic Law at the Center for Islamic Theology at the University of Tübingen , will be visiting in the 2020 summer semester . In this context, he holds two public courses at the LSRS. In one it offers an introduction to Muslim thought (Introduction à la pensée musulmane: théologie, droit, culture, et société) and in a second it deals with the subject of Islam and Muslims in Europe (L'islam et les musulmans en Europe).


The library of the seminary and the library of the Jewish consistory together form the documentation center of the LSRS. Its entire collection comprises around 150,000 volumes from the fields of theology, philosophy, history, fiction, 700 titles from foreign journals and 1,000 titles from Luxembourg journals. The library is accessible to everyone.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. More information on the academic team can be found here: The academic team of the Luxembourg School of Religion & Society .