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The Müdür (Turkish), also Mudir , ( Arabic مدير, DMG Mudīr ) was a senior administrative officer in the Ottoman Empire and the Viceroyalty of Egypt . The heads of higher schools ( madrasas ) were also called this. In the Turkish-Egyptian Sudan and Anglo-Egyptian Sudan , the provincial governors carried this title. B. the Austrian Rudolf von Slatin Pascha under the high command of the governor general ( hikimdar ) Gordon Pascha Mudir von Dara, the southwest part of the province Darfur at the time of the Mahdi uprising .

It still exists as a title or official title in Turkey. Heads of hospitals and schools are called tired. Heads of so-called "Müdürlük", departments within authorities or regional branches of large authorities, are also called Müdür. Higher-level authorities usually have the designation "Genel Müdürlük", e.g. B. the Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü . Its head is the "Genel Müdür" (general manager). The term Müdür is also widespread within the economy. In German the title is usually translated as "director".


The - historical - Mudire of Faschoda , Ali Effendi el Kurdi and Ali Effendi Abu Hamsah Miah ("Father of the Five Hundred") are important characters in Karl May's Mahdi trilogy .

See also